Meeting My Creativity

Every one of us is equipped with creativity; we have it in us, you have it and I have it. There is no lack of imagination, talents or ideas in us. Creativity is not a problem. Nevertheless we can feel uninspired, blocked or empty. But this feeling of stagnation has nothing to do with our creativity. It may limit and restrict it, but it will never erase this creative voice in us. Creativity is always present.

The need for safety and acceptance is always present as well.  By creating something new and innovative, we expose ourselves to criticism and judgement. There will be always someone who will not like or approve of what we have made. If being judged is threatening to us we can compromise our creativity simply to protect ourselves. It can in the end stop us from creating at all and we will feel frustration of it.

You don’t need to awake your creativity, you need to make a safe space for it, to let it speak louder, to grow and to flourish.

I am going to have a workshop on 21st of June where by using mindfulness, meditation and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques-based on acupressure) we will guard this safe space and learn how to assist creativity so it can thrive and we with it.

Check EVENTS on CostaWomen site.

3 thoughts on “Meeting My Creativity”

  1. Hi Izabela, I make Handmade Fashionjewellery wich is selling not badley but still looking for more Places to sell but realy dont know how, was thinking about Jewellerypartys and I also go to privat Events to present my Designs, so if you can help or advise me how to go about it please let me know. Thank you 

    Kind Regards Ilona

  2. Izabela L-Sletner

    Hi Ilona. Costa Women has regular business breakfast meetings. Tomorrow is one of them in Mijas at El Gusto. All details are at Events. We meet there to discuss ways to improve our businesses. It is always very interesting and helpful. I am a spiritual teacher and coach not a business advicer. Nevertheless I have some opinions on the subject you have asked me about. It would be nice to meet you at the business breakfast tomorrow. Yours. Izabela

  3. Would love to come but it is a bit to far away from me I live close to Marbella but Thank you anyway for writing back.

    Kind Regards Ilona

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