Welcome 2014 a New Year and New Beginnings!
Don’t you think there’s something special about starting a New Year? I think we all tend have new hope and excitement for the adventure that lies ahead of us.
What would you like 2014 to be? Would you like to expand your horizons, feel fulfilled, happy and start the year with a clear purpose and vision and make some changes?
Starting on Monday the 20th January in the evening I’m running a 6 week course called New Beginnings ‘A Journey to the Real You’ which is designed to give you the tools you need to gain clarity about where you are now and where you want to be, with yourself, your relationships, your spirituality, your work, so you can have a clear vision of what you really want in your life.
Are you looking to make some changes in yourself or your situation? It could be that you need to unblock old patterns and beliefs that hold you back from achieving what you want. Sometimes we can’t see the woods for the trees and it’s difficult to get a different perspective of what we are doing.
My aim is to help guide you to bring to light new ways of thinking and feeling about the important aspects of your life, to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose, and the direction you really want to go.
I love facilitating these groups, so many new things unfold, new friendships and bonds are made and wonderful insights arise and many ideas and thoughts turn into creative actions, I always feel blessed to be part of the process. I believe we all deserve to have a happy and fulfilled life, being, doing and realising our dreams. New beginnings start every moment, make this your moment!
If you’d like to know more about ‘The Journey to the Real You’ Click HERE details are also on the ‘Events’ page and www.joyfahey.com
Happy New Beginnings and Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to sharing the journey with you!
Much Love