Is it true that life becomes more interesting when you get older?
5 years ago, I thought that there was time enough to check off the ” To Do List” Now time is my friend!
After years of a productive working life in the health care profession, retirement today has taken a gradual end to the travel and caring for others. As one year blends into another, I have come to terms with the freedom of having to adapt to a quieter existence that life has allowed me. I am not amongst the buzz, the hustle and bustle of a big city anymore, standing in line to get a table at a popular resturant, find parking in a busy shopping center or browsing amilessly down aisles of clothing and coming away with nothing!
Meeting up with friends and chatting over a glass of vino or a cuppa tea was a frequent occurence, which is not a luxury anymore.
Today I live with my partner and 3 rescue cats in a small picturesque white village with mountains as our backdrop. One can’t escape the wonders of nature and the ever changing colors of the landscape. I watch the locals religiously walking along the trails. Across the road the raging river roars and as day passes into night, I can hear the evensong as the birds settle for the night.

Yes, getting older has it’s drawbacks especially when one’s partner is faced with critical health issues but challenges are a gift to be taken with gratitude and like a puzzle, with patience and determination the last piece fits into place and the long road to recovery has taken on a whole new meaning of accomplishment!
Finding Joy in the Moments
So, the question of getting older, fun? And the cliches of ” Getting old gracefully” “Age is just a number” ” Life changing events” and so on is just that!
Fun? Well it depends on what one determines as fun! I have moments of pure joy, playing with our cats, when Kitkat decides to snuggle on my lap. Excitment when I am weeding in the garden and find a new shoot suddenly there, when days ago it wasn’t! The light changing in seconds on the mountains and I get a photo on my phone before the moon disappears behind the clouds. Strangers who acknowledge me with a wave and smile, or now, either in their work vans or scooters, honk 3 times as a hello as they pass our house!

Now, at the end of the day when we are sitting beside the fire, eating on our laps and watching ” Strictly come dancing” or ” Grand Design” is our go to for fun! Video calls to my sons and grand kids in Canada, talking about the 200 chickens and pet Emus as their hobby farm grows and the massive Christmas tree that they hauled into their living room is always entertaining!
An impulse for a ” Curry Feast” of 20 plus friends at our retreat was a joyous reunion of friends we haven’t seen in years!Having friends stay over for a weekend are collectively all so refreshing.
The list goes on, if only we take time to realise that the simple day to day chores turn into interesting moments!
On a road less travelled
I am on the road less travelled and tomorrow is another day of … who knows what is around the corner!
Onwards and Upwards! (Thanks to family and friends who was with us through it all !)