To be or Not to be… Powerful


To be or not to be Powerful… is a similar question to be or not to be Selfish? Is it OK to be Selfish and Powerful?


Surely it depends on how you use yourself and your power in relationship to yourself and others… in kindness and compassionate ways or controlling and fearful ways. But first, isn’t it important to realise that you are a magnificent and powerful person in your own right, who can be full of yourself, cooperate and interact, as a unique and essential part in your community… AND not have to struggle and fight for your place in life?


All Human experience is ultimately for everyone to discover what doesn’t work and keeps them experiencing lifetimes of feeling unworthy, broken and alone. Playing active roles; repeating patterns in the human power struggle, stealing power from each other to gain position… power… control… riches until they realise that nothing can be gained without making something or someone else go without and suffer AND how each person is an essential, unique, magnificent and powerful part of source/consciousness itself.


Having said this… Everyone has freewill, to the extent of being free to experience whatever they desire. There is no power outside that determines what one can or cannot experience. As part of Humanity, each person has to honour this and accept other people’s choice of experience. No-one can go about changing the ways of others… which brings up the whole topic of the importance of conscious parenting and nurturing our children in a free and loving way, so they can grow up to know how magnificent and powerful they are.


A loving power that cares for and honours all AND brings in everything they desire to experience magical moments for the good of self and all Humanity.


What each person can do though, is choose to find time to focus on self, follow their own heart, spend time getting to know body, mind & spirit, make sure they feel great and live in balance and joy, and trust that everything they wish to experience comes to them at the most perfect time. The power of love each person is, naturally radiates out into the world, it not only influences the ones who are ready to align with love but protects them from the ones who want to continue to experience the darkness.


It’s taken me a long time to understand how life works and how essential it is to look at the world with eyes of compassion and see the potential that is out there just waiting for consciousness to choose to experience it. Tom and myself painted the painting above… a picture of paradise that we continue to attract, for us to experience a most magnificent life.



Consciousness vs AI


Do you want to be part of my Guest Blogger Feature… Your Magnificent Self?


Every other Monday throughout this year, IAM hosting a Guest Blogger/Author Feature and put YOU, my magnificent fellow Blogger/Author in the LIGHT. Not only this, I will feature your book/link to purchase in my website library and include your writing on Consciousness VS Artificial Intelligence in a FREE E-Book at the end of this year.


I know this is an incredible venture that is deeply impacting the world we live in.


For more information and how to apply, please read my post here.


Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken


My true Love Story: Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom.
For more detailed information about my Awakening and Integration I published by true magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.



A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores…
Amazon and Apple


MasterCreator Class Module

For the ones who are fully Awakening/Integrating and are ready to commit to and celebrate their new role as MasterCreator…. I have created a MasterCreator Class to fully embrace All of Yourself through passive and active meditation… dance, song, art, writing, inner journeys.


There is no time like NOW to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… For more Info on the next local Class on the Costa del Sol and online go to: MasterCreator Class





All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit business that inspires others through creative expression to explore, discover and express ‘The Magnificent Consciousness’ each person truly is and their unique space in the heart of life. At the moment in Benalmadena I hold 2 free projects… A Creative Art Project with Children and a Relax & Talk Group for people struggling with Mental Health & Chronic Pain. More Info: Our Magnificent Consciousness





1 thought on “To be or Not to be… Powerful”

  1. Wow, sounds amazing.... I'd like to find out more about consciousness vs AI.... and the creative art project sounds great too. I try to do arts & crafts with my kids as often as possible and would love to be involved in anything related to that subject 😉

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