Wherever I lay my backpack…that’s my home!!

You might remember the song by Paul Young, ”Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home,” except for me it’s my backpack!! The song reminds of my nomadic lifestyle for the past year which I’ve embraced and loving!! I’ve always been a nomad and love travelling but the in the last year there was a big change in my personal life leaving me uncertain about which way to go. I’d spent 12 years living in the Middle East but made the move to Spain 2 year ago to build a new life. I loved Spain and and met some great people and cultivated some wonderful friendships thanks to the social and networking group Costa Women set up by Ali Meehan (http://www.costawomen.ning.com). I love the lifestyle, food , culture and of course the sunshine!! Things had changed for me in a big way and I had decisions to make about where to live and settle or did I??


While I was deciding what to do I rented a room at Hostal Plaza in San Pedro (www.hostalplazasanpedro.com) on a monthly basis until I found an appartment. I’d spent a lot f time staying at the hostal over the past couple of years and it’s become home from home and it’s such a funky place with all the artwork.  Six months later I was still there as i’d decided there was no point renting an apartment as I had decided to go travelling. Gary, Karen and the boys (Richard & Michael) have become great friends of mine and I felt really settled at the hostal and found it hard to leave. People found it hard to believe I could live in a hostal for such a long time with comments such as, ”You need your own place,” or ”You need to put down roots.” But do you? I pay my monthly room rate with no bills ad no commitment and of course no housework as I get my room cleaned weekly!! I find it easy to settle wherever I am hence, ”Wherever I lay my backpack, that’s my home!!”


I embraced this period of uncertainty focusing on my work and business and also planning my trip to SE Asia. I left nursing 6 years ago to set my own business and become a Holistic Entrepreneur and loving it!! I’m a qualified and licensed workshop leader and coach following the philosophy of Louise Hay and spent the last 2 years training to be a Metaphysical(Spirital) Counsellor. I also work with Young living Essential Oils (www.ylworldwide.com) and carry out various holistic treatments with the most popular being the Raindrop Treatment. You can check out my website to find out more about what I do – www.meiflynn.com. My own training has  helped me to have trust and faith that everything is working out the way it should. Even when turmoil and upset can happen life can turn itself around in unexpected ways. The main thing for me is turning my business around to working mostly online to give me flexibility to work from anywhere in the world!! I nearly forgot I also teach English which is a great asset whilst travelling the world!!

I hope you follow my journey through SE Asia and all the adventures I go on. I would also love to hear about your experiences living on the road with no fixed abode !! Do you love it or does it make you feel unsettled? Join me next time as I share my travel experiences in Thailand.

Bye for now,

Mei xx