Why I have (and haven’t) been Quiet

I have been more than a little quiet on Costa Women for months and have only one excuse – I have been so incredibly busy, I have hardly had time to breathe! I am now at a “take a deep breath moment” – before ploughing on – so am making a quick update, here and trying to catch up on everyone else’s news – and my goodness no-one here stands still for long :-).

www.grapevine.international shows the amazing growth of the Grapevine Magazine – with links to them all – Javea Grapevine is now regularly well over 106 pages long, the last Lanzarote Grapevine was over 140 pages, Barcelona Magazine launched this month and Fuengirola Grapevine is so full it is bursting and will launch soon. Live in Spain Magazine is now on iPad and Android platforms and Marina Alta Business Club has changed its tempo to match all the magazines it sponsors, so only meets once a month for Dinner – but promotes all its members with appropriate advertising in the magazines. You don’t need to be a member to advertise – but it does make it cheaper and you are guaranteed a free quarter page advert in the title of your choice, every month!

To celebrate the magazines and their phenomal growth – as a thank you to everyone who has helped us and continues to help us (many of whom are Costa Women) we are running a competition on our Facebook page for a free double page advertising spread worth over €400 in every magazine we publish in November – (for your business or your favourite Charity) for the public – that is all the Grapevines – but if the winner is a Costa Woman – I will include a double page advert in Live in Spain Magazine as well. The competition can be accessed via https://www.facebook.com/GrapevineSpain/app_190076381016644