It’s certainly been an interesting year for us, mainly focusing on ourselves… making sure we are being loving, caring and trusting ourselves, clear on what we desire to further experience AND are open to receive what comes next.
A new home has been on top of our wish list for quite a while now. Hindsight teaches us that timing is of the essence and patience is a virtue AND in the meanwhile, to enjoy life in each moment, no matter what.
Next on our wish list has been to get together again with our family who live scattered around the world.
Eventually all wishes do come true with focused intention and patience. Around May we heard our children were flying to Europe, (from the caribbean) so we planned a last minute summer trip with our car… travelling to see everyone. We drove to Santander, caught the ferry to Portsmouth and drove up to the Midlands to spend quality time with our family before heading to Holland via Harwich/Hoek of Holland on the ferry to visit our dutch side of the family, friends and to meet up with our children.
How lovely it was to stand at Schipol airport and welcome our children and partners back to Europe. It had been quite a while and it was Alexanders first time this side of the world. After a few days we all flew to Croatia to enjoy some European sun and explore a new land.
It’s always great catching up with family and friends… Just being there with/for each other… celebrating life together in all its ups and occasional downs each day.
Our six week holiday flew by and we were soon travelling back through Europe to our sunny home in Spain. We continued our search for our new home and you can imagine our delight when we found a ground floor apartment that just about ticked all our wish boxes.
AND this friday, is the day we officially become owners and move in. IAM sure you can feel our relief and smile on our faces.
New beginnings are about to start that lead us into 2018 and a new wish list to make and bring in and experience. So watch our space for updates. You can sign up on the side and bottom panel of my website to receive my weekly blog by email. To read about our/my life experiences AND ‘The Evolution of Consciousness’… how Humankind is awakening to realise who each truly is and take life in their own hands and be able to live a life of freedom and celebration… or not.
November 29th 2017, just before the clock struck midnight ZoeAnne presented herself to this world. We are so grateful for the expansion of her loving presence in our family… and eagerly look in on the life of Richard, Ashley, Alexander & ZoeAnne and watch them walk on air and settle into new beginnings together.

We found some mistletoe in Madrid… So imagine you’re standing underneath it, receive a virtual hug and kiss from us AND make a grand wish for yourself.
Divine writing to inspire you this holiday season…
As a passionate writer and advocate for ‘The Evolution of Consciousness’ I challenge myself and blogging friends each year to write about subjects that are close to our hearts.
This year the theme was Compassion and how each person perceives what Compassion is. 23 passionate friends and myself have created this beautiful collection of perceptions… that I know your heart and soul will resonate with and will help inspire you on your own Human journey to realise what life is all about and who you truly are.
You can either click on the above picture or this link Divine Books to Inspire You that will take you to my website for you to download this Free E-Book.
You’ll also find 2 other Free E-Books we published in 2014 and 2016, A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part I and Part II for you to download too.
The rest of the books we have published for you to purchase… You just have to click on each front cover to go to purchase the one/s that resonate with you.
They make awesome gifts for YOU and your loved ones.
Writing Challenge 2018…
If you would like to join next years challenge, please let me know and i’ll give you a date to send me your writing together with details of yourself and a new book/workshop/blog you would like to promote on my Guest Blogger Feature… Your Magnificent Self.
The Theme is: Consciousness vs Artificial Intelligence
We can all see the world polarising, as Love and Fear expands to the extremities. The drive to perfect society and the HumanBeing out of fear of annihilation has brought about AI that works as fast as lightening.
Yes faster than our Human Potential but faster than Divine Consciousness?
How do YOU choose to live? Do you have a choice? How can YOU as Consciousness take yourself to a place of experiencing ‘as fast as lightening’?
I do love a challenge. Thanks so much for your participation reading and writing about ‘The Evolution of Consciousness’.
Pictures of Our Year…
Barbara’s Creative Pursuits in 2017…
This year my focus has been on the word Compassion and it has allowed me to expand my EXPRESSION in new and daring ways. Have you seen me on my facebook live? It took courage and vulnerability, the Human part of me was shy and had feelings of unimportance… but allowing my Divine self to air the show herself… I felt peaceful and have enjoyed creating this sacred space for myself and others to take some Quiet Me-Time and feel into the presence of pure LOVE… that we all essentially are.
What we talk about depends on my daily experience and goings on around the world… but it always has something to do with the grand change and shift of consciousness we are all going through… no exception… and allowing ourselves to open up to a new way of BEING and living a life of celebration… no matter what.
You can join me each Wednesday at 5 to 5 (Madrid UTC+2) in our New Earth Community facebook group that I have also created this year for everyone to come together and support and inspire each other with our creations… as we go through the great shift of consciousness and birth NewEarth from within. We are all teachers and students alike on our own unique journey… we can do it alone, but it’s so much more fun being together.
You can also subscribe to my UTube Channel and find all the replays to listen to.
My Non-Project Business…
I’ve found time to focus on bringing 2 free local projects to others, in the New Year in Benalmadena.
Creative Art Project: The Magnificent Consciousness
To inspire our young children to sense the magnificent consciousness they are a part of and their essential role in life.
Relaxing & Creative Talk Group
To help people look at MentalHealth & Chronic Pain with ‘Big Compassionate Eyes’. When we change our perception, we can change our circumstances!
You can read more about my projects and find out how you can help too… here.
And so we leave YOU all to enjoy the End of another year and a New Beginning of 2018… Where we know magic can happen… if you choose to allow.
I’ll be back writing in January. Take care.
Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness
A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores…
Amazon and Apple
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.
Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth. There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class
All the money raised from my books and classes go to my ‘Creative Art Project’ The Magnificent Consciousness that I bring to our little ones… inspiring them to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL.