While it is essential to gather together, to inspire and support one another through our experiences on our unique journey through life, it is even more essential to prioritise yourself, to be your own best friend, spirit guide and doctor.
No-one knows you like you do. Others, in particular parents and teachers will tell you what they think is best for you, what is right and correct. But surely you are learning that everyone is unique and life constantly changes so it is necessary to respond and act in each moment according to your own capability and feelings. Exploring life for yourself and discovering what works for you, what you like and what makes you happy.
It is each persons responsibility to discern all information they read and hear. To feel into the subject at hand, asking themself if this feels true for them and is in their very best interest.
To ensure you feel happy, and enjoy life to the full, you have to follow your own passion and truth. All it takes is to get to know yourself well.
You can begin to…
Ask yourself questions
Listen for your own answers
Trust yourself in each moment
Putting yourself first and getting to know yourself, brings you into a depth where your natural essence of happiness… love, joy and peace resides. A space of knowing your completeness and how you are here this lifetime to experience a most sensational life as Your Magnificent Self.
Yes you will remember… as unique and magnificently powerful creatures everyone is complete, well developed, most perfect and ready to explore and discover life for themself.
This means it’s not necessary to go out there in search of anything to make you whole, improve nor develope yourself! It’s time for you and everyone to be their magnificent self and follow an inner passion and dream, experiencing a grand life.
Unfortunately most people continue to look up to others and follow their advice come what may. They believe they are incomplete, imperfect and need to improve and develop themself… according to what’s right or fashionable.
Are you putting yourself first and getting to know yourself?
Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple.
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond..

Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.
There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class

All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.