Costa Women meet Hazel Allington

“There’s a way things work” was a mantra for Hazel Allington and her family when they moved to Spain.  Leaning into her intuition has enabled Hazel find a home and business in a nature-rich location.   Read her story.

Why Spain?

As an intiative, I began to hear the chorus words to an REM song, “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…” and also the word “Marbella” appeared strongly in my mind.

Fast forward lots of prayer and discernment, we travelled to Spain on one-way tickets and with 8 suitcases (pre-Brexit which turned out to be a great move). We completed the purchased of our Cortijo (Cortijo Fruitful Hills) one week before the first lockdown and very much appreciated having a large onsite project which we could develop. It has since become a 5 star rated, holiday and long stay peaceful, nature-rich space.

And where are you now?

Now in Alhaurin el Grande area which is a beautiful, sought after location which is incredibly accessible (excellent road links) to many places along the Costa del Sol (Marbella, Fuengirola etc).  And of course the city of Malaga with its international airport and lovely historic building to Mijas, inland and beyond.

This area is very nature-rich with some of the best organic food grown and produced in the area.

There is a vibrant mix of Spanish and expat communities living and thriving in the countryside and historic-white washed towns.

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Since I was following inner guidance and moving with little knowledge of Spain, it took a lot to ignore my egos screams that we were totally mad!

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Before we came to Spain we heard a helpful quote… “There is a way things work”. We have tried to be aware of this and not expect Spain to operate the same as England.

We also heard a humorous saying, “If you want to have a small fortune in Spain, come over with a large one!” We have definately had to be wise and discerning during our time here, especially when purchasing property.

Has your move to Spain changed your daily life? 

I am training to be a TRE (Trauma Tension Release Provider) – a somatic oriented method for stress, tension and trauma release.

Also I am a member of TRC Carolyn Spring (TRC is a monthly professional development and training membership for counsellors and psychotherapists who work with complex trauma).

The training is intense and I currently spend many hours each day learning about, and exploring complex trauma. I feel drawn to working with the most wounded, and hope to provide a compassionate space where people can process the depths of their pain and suffering and so heal and experience greater freedom and wellbeing.

Psalm 139 inspires me “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art ther

Nature in Alhaurin

What is something spectacular you would like to achieve in just one day?

I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E for 26 years – It would be spectacular if I healed and so had high physical energy levels and felt well.

Something you are grateful for?

Moving to Spain pre-Brexit and rapidly getting all the paperwork in order so we could relax and focus on other things.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

As a bit of a hermit, I love alone time. I am quite happy connecting with my mentors via zoom. 

What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

Prayer and seeking to listen deeply within.

Do you have a favourite mantra?

“God help!”

Rarely do I seek to take the easy route and when I feel at my knees, God is there to support, love and guide me.

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

The IonCleanse by AMD – a unique detox system that allows the body to release toxicity – I love it!

Do you have a favourite book?

Recently I have rediscovered the KJV Bible – I love the psalms and feel I have a lot of scripture to connect with, understand and explore.

Something you would tell your younger self?

Your life has meaning and purpose…

Cortijo Fruitful Hills

Thank you Hazel Allington where can we find out more?

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