Allergy why it occurs and how to cure it

Tasks of the immune system

  • Identify “foreign” Microbes and Antigen 
  • Decide if “the foreign” is “dangerous” and worth spending energy on or if they are actually OK
  • To destroy / degrade / deal with these 

Inflammation – Specific

• Inflammation is an appropriate response when there is a real threat and it occurs delimited

  • Targeted bacteria, cancer cell, parasite, fungus, virus or the like a splinter in your finger
  • Limited time

Inflammation – Nonspecific

Inflammation does more harm than good when it is non-specific and persistent

  • The immune system responds to “indifference”
  • The immune system quickly damages tissues
  • “State of emergency” leads to decay and “error priorities”
  • The reaction goes on, on and on


This is seen when you have allergies

The specific reactions of the immune system are governed by:

TH1, TH2, TH3 and Mastcells that release and control histamine. These cells control how the immune system responds to stimuli and “provocations”

Histamine triggers “fires” on surfaces – that is, mucous membranes in the mouth, eyes, nose, intestines, skin. The cardiovascular system, brain and stress responce will be affected.

The ability to control TH1,2,3 and Mastcells is affected by the diets we eat

Diet affects the intestinal flora, your microbiom, that affect the immune system (Activate the TH1,2,3 and mast cells)


The diet may include allergens and intolerance

Diet affects energy production which maintain for a strong immune system

And dietary antioxidants, must deal with damage from the inflammation or allergy

What influences when the diet pulls in the wrong direction in relation to allergies.

  • Disturbed intestinal flora/  microbiom
  • Lack of vegetables / plant food
  • Lack of antioxidants
  • Lack of omega 3
  • Unhealthy fats such as blend oils ( all the oils that a not cold pressed and virgin) and palm oil
  • Lack of vitamin b ( complex)
  • Lack of vitamin d
  • Lack of vitamin A

What you should avoid:

Roasted onions

Fast food eg french fries 

Cakes, biscuits and a lot of bread 

Broth cubes

Powder soup

Many ready meals, eg potatoes 

Mayonnaise from the store 


Tortillas Chips

Dough mixes

Braced exotic fish 

Canned fish with oil

All food there have been tru a deepfryer


What should you prioritize to eat:

Olives and olive oil Cold

pressed rapeseed oil 

Nuts, seeds and kernels 



Eat as often as possible: 

Ginger and galangal (fresh or dried)

Turmeric (fresh and crushed)

Green tea and white tea

Rose hips

Chili onions, leeks, chives, garlic, spring onions, etc.)


broccoli, all kinds of cabbage, radishes, radishes, mustard and rapeseed)

Cocoa (eg small amounts of dark chocolate)

Citrus fruits


stinging nettle

Fish ( no farmed fish)  roe and shellfish


All the Mediterranean spices (rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, etc.)

Soy (like miso, tofu, natto and good soy sauce)

Be careful as wheat is added to many soy sauces

Mushrooms (mushrooms, shiitake, maitake, reishi, Carl Johan, morels, etc.)

Legumes (lentils, beans and chickpeas … both fresh and dried)


Take these supplements: 

• Ginger: ≥10 g fresh daily

• Turmeric: 1 tablespoon daily (preferably powder)

• Omega-3 fatty acids: 10-30 gr daily

  • Vitamin D: Enough for the blood concentration to be> 125 nmol / L 
  • Stinging nettle extract
  • Green tea
  • Zinc

• Lactic acid bacteria / a good probiotic 

• Vitamin C for intestinal tolerance (it can be anywhere from 1-20 grams)

• Vitamin E in natural form

• 5 HTP in the morning

• Fermented dandelion juice


Has the damage occurred

  • Avoid the foods you know you are reacting to
  • Strengthen your gut and think about strengthening it
  • Take DAOSIN before each meal as it reduces the effects of histamine.
  • Avoid stress
  • Eat 100% gluten-free – gluten affects the intestinal mucosa and can activate your allergy
  • Eat vegetables and the above supplements


If you have a pollen allergy, avoid for a period (before your pollen allergy becomes active) the fruits / vegetables that cross-react with the pollen you react to.


A disturbed intestinal flora has for most people occur already in childhood, if you were born by caesarean section, have received penicillin, have been stressed, do not get your 600 grams of vegetables – then you can definitely count on, your intestinal flora/ your microbiom being disturbed.