Are YOU Acting as the Creative & Loving Being YOU are?


Believe it or not… we are all creative and loving beings, we are naturally born this way. So how come we don’t seem to remember this… and  instead of creating our joys we act quite differently, pretending to be serious, sad, depressed, bored, in a rush, tired, limited,  etc… IAM sure you get my drift.


Whatever has happened in our individual lives that has caused us to act so differently from our innate creative and loving self… I have good news… it doesn’t matter and it can be easily changed. We can change how we respond to life.


We can begin to be aware by practicing observation…


IAM the space that has no words,
Just… observing the flutter of random thoughts
IAM the presence of this moment,
Just… observing the extreme waves of energy around
IAM the breath of life,
Just… observing the vibration of my Body Consciousness
IAM the expansion,
Just… observing the exploration and discovery beyond
IAM everything and nothing,
Just… observing myself as I feel all
IAM the lazy one now,
Just… observing myself doing nothing for a while

Barbara Franken 


AND we can begin to be feel inspired…


Imagining waking up each morning with an inner yearning to spend this new and exciting day spontaneously BEING our heartfelt joy and passion…  no matter what we have to endure or accomplish this day? We can allow ourselves to joyfully say and feel these few words within our body/mind… and practice them throughout our day.


Today IAM singing out loud…
Today IAM creating beauty in my garden…
Today IAM preparing food…
Today IAM painting my dream vision…
Today IAM at peace…
Today IAM writing a poem…
Today IAM taking photographs…
Today IAM cleaning…
Today IAM playful in nature…
Today IAM acting as if IAM rejuvenated…
Today IAM embracing all of myself…
Today IAM acting healed…



When we allow ourselves to be mindful of all our daily doings and beings…we become aware of our creative expression that is played out in each moment… and recognise it is our signature of who we truly are… a creative being… our Creator Self. Our physical body then naturally aligns with our hearts desire and we experience the expression of our Soul… our Divine essence.


Maybe we can remember how we felt as children or have the urge now to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.


We have indeed all been brought up to be responsible, mindful and serious, but can we remain true to our heart and soul too? Allowing ourselves to feel the rhythm of life, pulsating through us, connecting us to the all loving presence, we each are? Relaxing into our own innate passion and joy that flows through us and out into the world…  allowing us to act spontaneously in the moment how we feel and create a life we have always dreamed of?


Or are we going to allow our chattering mind and important ego identity or other peoples fear, negativity and jealous nature, take over our very being and just plod along on our journey following the rest of society?


We can choose to change our ways of being… as I wrote about in another post, otherwise our Divinity will find a way to nudge us and help us on our way. But it is easier to just breathe a while and become aware of the passion and joy that flows as a strong force within and allow the creative being we are to move with the rhythm of life… inspiring us.. to live our grandest dream and be the Grand Creator we truly are.


I wrote this blog and poem a long time ago, but decided to bring it back now in a new way to remind YOU of how easy it is to shift your perception, to look at the big picture with big compassion eyes and allow yourself to just feel, observe and allow.


This practice helped me feel into the space around me and within me, allowed me to observe and experience being everything and nothing… feel completely into the oneness of all… and feel no separation. It allowed me to relax and just do nothing AND play, have fun and feel the great creative and loving being IAM.


This is my gift to YOU.


Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken


A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple


I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.





MasterCreator Class Module

There is no time like the present moment to choose to change and reinvent yourself as the world around you is in turmoil. My MasterCreator Class guides you through a magical journey to wholeness and living a life of celebration.


More Info: MasterCreator Class ONLINE



All the money raised from my books and classes goes to my non profit business: The Magnificent Consciousness that holds 2 FREE local projects… ‘Creative Art Project’ inspiring our children to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL and a ‘Relax and Talk Group, inspiring everyone to balance their body, mind & spirit back into wellness in a  natural & simple way.