Lucy Gabzdyl

Autumn Cleanse: 2. How to eliminate toxic emotions with EFT

Autumn Cleanse: 2. How to eliminate toxic emotions with EFT   In the last blog we looked at how we eliminate toxic emotions unconsciously through practising Mindfulness. While we don’t generally choose to work on a specific emotion if an emotion does happen to arise during your Mindfulness practice you can then work on it …

Autumn Cleanse: 2. How to eliminate toxic emotions with EFT Read More »

Autumn Cleanse: 1. How to eliminate toxic emotions with Mindfulness

Autumn Cleanse: 1. How to eliminate toxic emotions with Mindfulness   When talking about detoxing, we generally think of the physical body: focusing on eating the right food as well as reducing the impact on us of the toxicity of our environment. But, when it comes to our wellbeing, negative emotions can be just as …

Autumn Cleanse: 1. How to eliminate toxic emotions with Mindfulness Read More »

#3 Stress and how to handle it. Part 2 – How women de-stress

#3 Stress and how to handle it. Part 2 – How women de-stress In the last tip we looked at the importance to our health of de-stressing.  Men’s brains evolved to mostly only think of one thing at a time, so they can de-stress just by doing something other than think about their problem.  This …

#3 Stress and how to handle it. Part 2 – How women de-stress Read More »

Over the hill? More like over the moon! Fitter, healthier (and happier) than ever at…

Over the hill? More like over the moon! Fitter, healthier (and happier) than ever at…   The other day I was reading the inspirational story of a lady of 102 who was the sole carer for her 80 year old daughter. One of the secrets of her health and longevity she said was to avoid …

Over the hill? More like over the moon! Fitter, healthier (and happier) than ever at… Read More »

How to ask your partner for something, if you want it to happen!

How to ask your partner for something, if you want it to happen! is the first in a series of tips taken from our ‘Ideal Relationships’ workshops. Today’s tip is from David’s workshop on the differences between men and women.   Caution! We talk about the ‘typical’ man or woman in ways that we and …

How to ask your partner for something, if you want it to happen! Read More »

Food Intolerances: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, or does it?

Apples, olives, lettuce, red cabbage, beans, flax seeds, basil, thyme, camomile, cumin, bay leaf, sunflower oil… you could be forgiven for thinking it’s a list of the world’s healthiest foods. But actually it’s a list of the foods my partner David is currently intolerant to!   I am passionate about food – eating fresh, organic …

Food Intolerances: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, or does it? Read More »

Iodine: are you getting enough of this essential nutrient?

Iodine: are you getting enough of this essential nutrient?   Iodine is essential for your health. Yet, according to Dr Mercola, it’s one of the three most common nutritional deficiencies along with Magnesium and Vitamin D. (Fortunately, the latter is not a problem for those of us lucky enough to be living in Spain, as …

Iodine: are you getting enough of this essential nutrient? Read More »