Michele Schalin

A New Industry is Exploding!

An entire new industry is growing in front of us! This reminds me of when I started my Digital Marketing company in the US in 2004, before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.. Very Exciting!  

Meditation Magic Happy Holidays! FREE Online Workshop

Mediation is AMAZING! It is one of the most versatile tools you will ever have in your life! Helps you deal with anxiety Helps you regulate fear, depression and other strong emotions Boost your immune system Teaches you how to improve your breathing Cultivate more love and compassion for yourself and others. Improve your focus …

Meditation Magic Happy Holidays! FREE Online Workshop Read More »

Suffer Better and Suffer Less

How do you deal with strong emotions? When we learn to process our emotions better we will be much happier and peaceful in our lives. Join me Saturday, November 21st where I will talking more about handling strong feelings. https://mschalin.com/workshop-11-21-2020/

Learn How To Embrace Your Fears

Just like anything in life, when you change your approach to something… that “something” changes. Whether you outlook is positive or negative, it changes every life experience you’ll have. Our fears are no different. Generally our approach to our fearful thoughts is to run away, to distract ourselves, pretend the fears don’t exist, anything… but actually feel …

Learn How To Embrace Your Fears Read More »

Free Online Mindful Transformation Workshops

Monthly Online Collaborative Workshops! To sign up for the November workshop go here:  https://mschalin.com/workshop-11-21-2020/ Contact me if you are interested in participating as a speaker sometime in future events. I promote the workshops on many platforms. All speakers that participate receive a lot of exposure. 😉

Being Productive and Successful in a Healthy Balanced Way.

Have you had crazy, destructive behavior in the past when you were trying to be productive and successful?? Me too! I was interviewed by Hazel Everad, a Career Coach in Valencia and we talked about experiences and how we learned to have a better life balance.  I think you will resonate with some of what I …

Being Productive and Successful in a Healthy Balanced Way. Read More »


LET’S START A MOVEMENT! I am collecting photos and videos of people doing this and I’m going to share it to the world. This is my collection so far! https://mschalin.com/i-am-enough/ If you decide you would like to join in and write this on your mirror and you want to share it, please feel free to …

I AM ENOUGH Read More »