Be Bold for Change at Costa Women!

Be bold for change is the theme for this years International Women’s Day and on behalf of Costa Women I have been doing that recently.


Many of you know that I started Costa Women when we moved back from the Middle East as a way of making friends; a “social” project if you like!


Since then Costa Women has grown extraordinarily and much more than I could ever have imagined.  I can still remember the joy of welcoming my 100th member and that continues with now our 5500th!  


However, with the size of the community and the time it takes (as well as time out of my day-to-day business), this has brought many additional and ongoing costs. Last summer we had to move to a new website platform which cost thousands.  Until recently, I have been able to cover these costs from my own money, but now the expenses have become too large and I have been faced with a choice of giving up or making it pay.


It has never been my wish to charge the members; for me this doesn’t work – social media platforms are free and I believe different members get different benefits that are hard to quantify.  My principal aim was to continue to connect, inspire, enable and support Women for many years to come.   


So… at the end of 2016 I made a decision to Be Bold for Change and ask for help.  I decided to find 5 sponsors for Costa Women who could underwrite the cost and help me to grow Costa Women to the next level.  I wanted sponsors who weren’t just based on the Costa del Sol, but could help our Spain-wide community.


I am delighted to announce that starting from 1st April, we have 3 sponsors for Costa Women.  Firstly, Caser Seguros who offer insurance services.  I am already part of their Typical Non-Spanish Team which promotes all that is good and worth celebrating about life in Spain.  Secondly, My Lawyer in Spain who have office across the Spanish mainland in 8 locations including Mallorca.  And finally, International FX which offers currency exchange facilities both online and via their agents.  These businesses all offer services that can support your life in Spain.    


Costa Women remains free to use, the only thing I need to ask members is to support and recommend our sponsors, so that we can start a long collaboration.  


A Costa Women theme may sound like a sponsors advert at the beginning of Homeland or Broadchurch where each episode ends the break with ‘thanks to our sponsors’.  And to start with my sincerest thanks to our sponsors for enabling me to move Costa Women to the next stage of its growth and helping me fulfil my desire to become an imagineer; enabling women to connect inspire and support each other on their expat journey.   


Later this year, I will also be introducing a business directory, which will offer business more than just a listing – you know me; I always love to add value.  Details to follow on this soon.  


Thank you for all YOU do to make this community the positive force for life in Spain!


6 thoughts on “Be Bold for Change at Costa Women!”

  1. Ali, you´re a real mover and shaker. I haven´t been so active in the group lately but I just want to recognize the dedication and work that you put into this group, it´s no easy feat as can be seen from your post. Congrats on finding the funding to move to the next level! All your efforts are much appreciated and it´s an honor to be the beneficiary of all this!

  2. Caroline Purvey

    Very proud of you Ali. Many Congratulations. Who ever said hard work does not pay off!

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