Costa Women Blogs

Good morning gorgeous,  Today is the first official winter day and although the last days have been more than stormy, today at last as it could not be otherwise, it recovers the balance, there is...
Be the LOVE, PEACE & JOY this Christmas & 2017
Sending much LOVE, PEACE & JOY for you to experience this Christmas Time. No matter the turbulent and uncertain times YOU perceive around the world, within your own body and relationships. It is essential...
Don't let Trump or Brexit stop you from living life to the full
At times like these, when the world is in turmoil, Brexit and Trump being just two of the many things happening right now, there is a human tendency to batten down the hatches, pull our head in like a...
Women Wellness Guide - Chemicals
Hormones are very tricky and the more we can learn about them the better. Today women have very busy lives, but with time and patience they can balance their hormone levels with the use of natural products...
On Mindfulness
“To be or not to be?” is this really “the question”? I believe that it is rather “How to be happy?” question. And when we are that we don’t bother about being...
Words of Empowerment... from Steven
So much Potential is the title of Steven’s latest blog post that my friend Dana led me too after mentioning him in her beautiful and thoughtful post Being. BEING to me is experiencing the aliveness...
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