Costa Women Blogs

Costa Women Costa Blanca South Meet Up - October 28th 2015
The Costa Women Costa Blanca South Meet Up on 28th October was held at the Algorfa Hotel. On a lovely sunny day, five Costa Women arrived to hear guest speaker Dave Bull talk about his life in Spain, and...
On Mindfulness
Meditation moves away from words, language and thinking mind. And here in this blog I use words appealing to your thinking mind trying to convince you about qualities of meditation. How weird is this?...
Selection of True Awakening Experiences created by me and my WordPress friends
It’s coming up to 2 years ago when my WordPress friends and myself published this beautiful Free E-Book sharing a selection of our True Awakening Experiences. IAM re-blogging it today because IAM sure...
****4 TOP Tips to help you adjust in a NEW country ***
****4 TOP Tips to help you adjust in a NEW country *** Moving is considered a TOP stress factors  in life! Moving within your own country is stressful, but let’s talk about relocating in a ‘’NEW country’’...
"On Mindfulness"
Number of thoughts passing through the mind is counted in thousands. We have tendency to choose from that heap of thoughts a particular set and our favorite are so called negative thoughts. There is also...
So what are OBEs for?
The following questions -as I came to understand- are very important keys in our journey: what is everything for? what am I like that for? OBEs are simply another tool to help us on our journey to grow...
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