Are you sick of making the same resolutions year in year out? With the New Year just around the corner, we usually make resolutions with a willingness to improve our lives. But can we learn from previous...
We asked you to nominate a member of Costa Women who you believe in 2020 has had a positive influence in the lives of others; big or small. You responded and I am delighted to share the nominations.
For years My Divine friends and myself have been writing passionately about our own Awakening and Ascension journey, sharing with our readers how the time is approaching for all Humanity to leave the dense...
What does the word “alarm” mean to you? The dictionary definition brings up statements and words like – a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by an awareness of danger; apprehension;...
As we approach the holiday season, Age in Spain is proud and excited to announce the launch of our brand new pilot project – Friendline. What is Friendline? Today, Age in Spain is launching Friendline,...
Everyone around the world has a story about how their life changed in 2020. Unfortunately we talk more about the things we lost or didn’t like more than any benefits we may have received....