IAM honoured to welcome our dear Divine and Magnificent friend Sue Dreamwalker as our Guest Blogger on this platform, Me, My Magnificent Self. A quiet and sacred space in which to inspire and support...
Magnesium is a necessary element for more than 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies. It helps with the functioning of muscles and nerves, strengthens the immune system, maintains heart health, and improves...
It’s funny isn’t it the things you take for granted. Things that are so obvious to you that it never occurs to you that someone else might feel differently. Things like privacy, patient comfort,...
Which is the most natural and gentle way to balance our hormones? Hormone Balance with Progesterone Cream is a gentle way to achieve results in combating menopause symptoms. In a woman’s normal...
TWO ORGANISERS – TEN WOMEN – TWENTY DAYS – EIGHT TONS OF FOOD At the beginning of June during a brainstorming session, we came up with the idea of running a Costa Women Online Pop Up...
IAM sure you are all feeling as I do, in your own unique way a huge shift; the foundation of our Human experience of duality as it breaks up beneath your feet. At times you may physically feel yourself...