Costa Women Blogs

m_CW popupshop
TWO ORGANISERS – TEN WOMEN – TWENTY DAYS – EIGHT TONS OF FOOD At the beginning of June during a brainstorming session, we came up with the idea of running a Costa Women Online Pop Up...
Are YOU Ready for YOUR ReBirth?
  IAM sure you are all feeling as I do, in your own unique way a huge shift; the foundation of our Human experience of duality as it breaks up beneath your feet. At times you may physically feel yourself...
Menopause - the facts
The hormonal transition of menopause is a significant and inevitable chapter in every women’s life. As women, we battle with our hormones, from our teenage years through to midlife, at which point...
Am I weird because I loved lockdown?
Anybody need to laugh right now?  For snort laughs press here.       
m_are you being true to yourself?
Are YOU Having a Beautiful Love Affair with Yourself?
  Back in 2014 I wrote a post IAM having the most beautiful love affair with myself that showed itself to me the other day. It wanted to be updated as it remains so relevant today. I therefore invite...
Xenoestrogens, what are they all about?
Xenoestrogens are known to interfere with normal human hormone production and utilization. They have been linked to miscarriages, early puberty, endometriosis, cancers, and obesity. In addition, xenoestrogens...
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