Costa Women Blogs

#LivingInLockdown - Day 39
#LivingInLockdown Day 39 – Thursday 23 April   The inevitable has happened. I’ve put on weight. I know this because my body has started to point out that it’s not happy, nothing too bad, just a general feeling of frumpiness and lethargy. So I bit the bullet and weighed myself (the horror!) and yes, I am at my maximum comfortable weight. That’s not to say I haven’t weighed more than this before, but this is the point where I usually try to call a halt.    I can’t entirely blame an inability to go out and exercise, though my average daily calorie expenditure has definitely gone down by a few hundred calories. No, the problem is the comfort eating. There has been a few too many packets of crisps, biscuits and cakes. It stops now or at least on my next shop. All I have to do is exercise will power when in the supermarket and not buy this stuff. Then I can’t eat it. Especially at the moment because it’s not like I can cave by running out to the shop when I want chocolate.    In response to this weight gain I have increased my stair climbing activities. I am trying to do half an hour a day at least. Of course I shouldn’t really be using the communal stairs for exercise, so I can only go out when no one is around. Usually this means lunch time. Today I was a bit late and it turns out our cleaner is still working. You could have fooled me because the stairs are filthy, she’s obviously not cleaning them. She is however wiping down the elevator and mopping the entrance halls on each floor. As a result stair climbing got curtailed today.   Whilst talking about future exercise there is some good news and bad news. The government has now stated that from next week up to three children may go outside with a responsible adult each day for exercise. They must maintain social distancing from each other and anyone else, can go up to 1km from the house and can stay out for 1 hour maximum. Hopefully this means that when the government starts relaxing the rules for adults, which they say will be from next month, we will also be allowed an hour’s exercise outside each day. On the down side this will make my clandestine stair climbing more difficult in the interim.   Oh well you can’t win them all.
Are YOU a writer, and have a vision of NewEarth?
Life is what YOU allow to happen… Why not one of Love, Magic & Harmony!   This is your invitation to guest blog at Me, My Magnificent Self, and take up my writing challenge for April/May 2020 and help inspire others at this most critical time of change… to be the change and at the same time promote your Divine Creative Expression on my website.   Every year I have a theme word to inspire my own creative expression, this year the word MAGICAL popped up! AND what better way to use this word than by asking my Divine brothers and sisters to join me in co-creating a Free E Book; a bundle of magnificent visions of Magical NewEarth.   During April & May I will showcase YOU here on my blog that I know for sure will help inspire our network of readers about this great shift of consciousness we are all experiencing now and how everyone has creative powers to envision their own loving, peaceful and harmonious world for us all to live a life of celebration together in.   I can’t do this without you…. so please allow your creative juices to flow and write at least 2000 words about how you envision ‘a new you and a new life’. Imagine you discover you are truly powerful and can magically transport yourself into a most loving and harmonious world. How do you envision YOU and YOUR life living your grand dream.   Please let me know in the comments or by email to (barbara(at)memymagnificentself(dot)com and i’ll give you the next available date to be published here on in April and May.   Please arrange to send me the following information…   Your written story of ‘Magical NewEarth’ (+/- 2000 words)Photo of YOU (JPEG)Photo of YOUR latest Book, Workshop/Course/Class, Blog, CreationLatest BIO about YOUSomething new, funny, wow experience about YOU, to share with othersLink to purchase YOUR latest CreationLink to YOUR websiteLink to 3 (max) of YOUR social media platforms   ———————————————————————-   As many of you know the first chapter of my True Love Story Your Magnificent Self… A Journey To Freedom describes my Magical New Earth that I once imagined and continue to hold high for all Humanity to discover their highest potential and join us enjoying a life of celebration right here on the earth plane. I’ve copied it in below for you all to read.   Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of your own true love story that truly transports you into a world of magic, love and harmony.   Chapter 1 Barbara... The End is a New Beginning The End is… Always an opportunity to choose and experience something new for Self!   Gentle refreshing waves lap over my feet as I enjoy walking along the ocean shore, my feet caress the fine white sparkling sand as they gently sink into the Earth. I smell the fresh seaweed lying on the sand that has naturally drifted ashore, waiting for me to pick it up and lay in my basket. I look out into the transparent and turquoise ocean and see the rich and colourful coral reefs in the depths below, the fish swimming in and out of their home and playground and the dolphins taking their morning swim in the shallow waters.   The ocean is pure and clear, heavy with its natural salt, refreshing and cleansing everything that comes into contact with it. The sun has just risen; the rays gently warm my body and a circle of fluffy white clouds slowly dissolve into a bright blue sky above me, the early rain having fed the luscious nature. I hear the delightful melody of the birds, animals and sea creatures chanting a welcome to this new day as I take my early morning walk and collect my daily treat of fresh seaweed.   IAM on my way back home, which lies not far from the ocean shore, a natural stone cottage in a small village that is scattered amongst the majestic rocks and mountains, tall ancient palm trees, colourful long grasses and large vibrant flowers. My colourful silk dress and long copper hair blow gently in the breeze, shimmering and reflecting the light. I feel the sun warm on my soft olive skin. I feel grand and magnificent, a jubilant joy oozing from me as IAM conscious of being in this moment and this wonderful bright and happy Environment. I breathe a relaxed and contented breath and am thankful for the gentle integration that has occurred within my crystalline DivineHuman self.   IAM eighty years old and remember being around the age of fifty-five when my aging process stood still and my skin began to take on a new elasticity that allow only my laughter lines to appear when I smile and laugh. I feel as youthful as a teenager and my old limited and controlled way of thinking has gently faded away. The life I have created for myself, here on this wonderful New Earth, allows me to experience many amazing sensations and potential that far reaches anything I could ever of imagined or begin to express.   It is my family’s turn to host and light the morning fire, for all those who want to come together for a morning feast in celebration of the new day. Everyone will bring their favourite food and refreshing drink, natural products from the land and sea to share with each other. My father will be bringing his guitar and play delightful melodies, accompanied by my mother and sister’s angelic voices. Others will join in, singing songs of heartfelt joy. There will be time this morning to share new potentials, new technologies and new experiences that have been recently discovered and just before our celebration ends, we will spend some quiet me-time, consciously breathing together, balancing our Body Consciousness; aligning ourselves with our own consciousness within, the Heavens above, the Earth below and the immediate Environment surrounding us. How so different life is now. The Earth’s Environment sparkles with a pure crystalline light, the reflection of each Divine and Human passion, energies of pure beauty and sensual love that fill each living person and emanate out into the Environment.   One heart at a time, Humankind had awoken to the truth of their own magnificence as they chose to hear their own Divine voice and play out their desire to live and experience a life of freedom, unity and compassion. Each person had recognised their own IAM presence and the wisdom and love they had naturally distilled from their own long Human experience.   Never before had this been done on Earth, we were the new standards of Spirit Incarnate, Embodied and Enlightened, Grand Master Creators of an ever-abundant life. Creating wondrous creations born in freedom, as each person trusted their own Sovereign passion to bring about the most perfect potential and experience desired.   All of us, who knew the truth of our own magnificence and chose no longer to be held captive in the limited reality of fear and lack, had gradually moved out of the inner cities and into areas of countryside, ocean and lakeshores. To begin a new peaceful life filled with inspiration, imagination and creation. We were still part of the physical Earth and observed the on going conflict, horrific deaths, destruction of the inner cities and the rising fear as religion and politics continued to play out the scenario of Winner Takes It All. But simultaneously we were creating and living on a parallel New Earth, a life based on love. We were fulfilling our new role as DivineHumanBeing and experiencing a most magnificent life.   The old foundations and systems of power were gradually collapsing, causing much panic, depression and disease, but consciousness was naturally expanding and allowed many others to see our new way of living and chose to join us. We didn’t have to be afraid of the ones who continued to play with the dark and fearful energies, because they couldn’t see us, they remained focused on playing in their small world, allowing fear to rule life and conflict and dis-ease to determine their end.   It had been a grand dream we had all held dear for so long and our transformation had happened quite naturally and gracefully, perhaps quite strange to the old Human mind to even think it could be possible. Expanding out of the limited mind and physical reality of time and space, into an ever-expanding reality of no time and infinite space. We created and experienced the unfolding of a New Energy Consciousness, our new home on New Earth, right here on the physical Earth.   When everyone had either finished playing out their Human role and passed over, or chose to join us living in our new expanded Consciousness on New Earth… did the physical Earth and New Earth merge together as One. The pure crystalline structure of the New Earth absorbed the physical Earth and gave birth to a New Crystalline Physical Earth, a multi-physical space of New Energy Consciousness for the DivineHumanBeing and Master Creator to experience expressing and creating their heart and soul’s passion.   We are all Sovereign Master Creators who have chosen to allow All That Is to serve us in our own way. We are all great leaders who use our unique qualities and joys to create together a Worldwide Co-operation to sustain us all. It is an open and transparent network in which each person shares their own unique creative art form… in business, discovery, innovation, play, education and information worldwide.   Our consciousness attracts the free and abundant energy, which powers our New Earth. We have clean water, clean air, fertile soil, food, drink, clothes and gifts in abundance for everyone to share and enjoy. We are no longer dependent on nature, animals or other people and now enjoy everything. We have no need for money because we each value ourselves and this attracts whatever we want to come into our life.   We don’t need relationships, but some of us choose to have them, in particular to enjoy the sweet surrender and ultimate sensual and physical lovemaking. We connect with new souls that want to come in and experience the sensual and free life on New Earth, agreeing to bring them in through the natural human conception of love and the birth process and nurture them for a short while before they feel ready to live independently and fulfil their own role as Master Creator. We are all vibrant, healthy and well and choose when we have experienced enough and are ready to leave the Earth to go on our next adventure.   We no longer need to think or believe; instead we are aligned with our innate knowingness and our distilled human wisdom (from our vulnerabilities, feelings, passions, hopes and dreams, the suffering, injustice, naivety, innocence, fragility, grace and compassion) that guides us on our journey through life in each moment. We each choose where to live, in our own self-sustained home and go about our daily life as we feel fit in each moment. We communicate from the heart and honour and respect all. We are each fully responsible for our words, actions and life situations and our Body Consciousness (the integration of our crystallised Divine light body and mind, our Human physical body and mind and our aspects) is self sustained.   We are grateful for all our Human life experiences and now enjoy experiencing our own Creative Mastery and Enlightenment. We allow our creations to expand and express themself in total freedom… in this way we ensure that our Environment continues to reflect back to us the truth of our freedom, abundance and magnificence.   I have returned home and taken the fresh seaweed to the buffet table that is nicely filling up with mouth-watering foods. We don’t need to eat for our physical nourishment anymore, the conscious breath is enough to nourish and sustain our crystalline light body and mind, but we do enjoy consciously tasting  small amounts of quality foods and drinks. I welcomed all my friends and family who were arriving to share precious and sacred time and enjoyed a wonderful morning celebration together, singing, talking, consciously breathing, eating and drinking, giving thanks… to the existence of Self… to the new day… to the fire of creation… and to our family and friendships.   We shared the left over food and drink to take back home, stacked the chairs back against a low wall behind the buffet table and we all began to go our separate ways back home or out to work or play. The fire was smouldering low; I walked across and lifted some sand with my bare feet to dampen the flames. My parents who were now in their early hundred’s came to kiss me farewell before making their own way home, a short walk away. My sister, husband and children came to embrace my family before leaving and continuing their day.   The day was once again mine to enjoy. Tom was heading off to town to gather with some new students who wanted to bring their new discovery into the open market place. Our children and grand children were leaving for a local exploration, looking for new colours and textures to make new paints for their Creative Art Business. I wandered across the lawn and into our home. I was working on a new project, helping my quantum physic friends implement the free energy generators that would connect all our technology in each home and work space. Documents and drawings covered my creative table that stood in the middle of my workspace; a tranquil room situated at the far end of our cottage.   Like the rest of our home, I had designed my workspace and sanctuary to be simple, relaxing and spacious. My favourite paintings hung on the walls, serene figurines stood in the corners and my creative cupboard full of collected treasures, stood tall and proud on the back wall behind a most comfortable sofa where I would spend my time relaxing and daydreaming. It had taken me two years to coordinate the designing, building and decorating of our home. It was a delightful natural stone cottage with grand arched open doors and windows with sills full of giant trailing red roses. From the outside the cottage looked quite small, but inside it was truly grand. The entrance hall was showered with my colourful SoulArt paintings and beautiful figurines. Three beautiful archways led to two master bedrooms with large en-suites and walk-in wardrobes and a large open living space divided up into three distinct areas.   Sunlight flooded the spacious area and beautiful golden voile curtains gently swayed at the sides of the open windows. On the right was our kitchen, simple, natural and modern with plenty of cupboard space and all the latest gadgets to make cooking easy and fun. In the corner was a small pantry where we kept all the fresh foods cool and dry. Cooking was one of my creative passions, creating the aromas and different tastes for myself and family and friends to enjoy.   The kitchen led into an open dining space where a long wooden table and six comfy chairs stood in front of a large glass dresser displaying our crystal and china ware. Two pedestals, adorned with beautiful arrays of flowers stood on the left hand side, separating the sitting room that occupied the other side of the room. In the centre of the sitting room was an open fireplace with comfortable, soft sofas and small coffee tables encircling it at different angles.   At one end of the room was our entertainment screen that connected to live worldwide performances of sport, dance, music and theatre. It was also a direct feed to everyone’s information, discoveries and creations that everyone shared. It was only because everything and everyone was now open, transparent and truthful about themself that this interconnection was possible. Everyone’s choice as to what they wanted to share or be kept private was honoured at all times. At the other end of the room the wall was full of our family photographs, a display of our favourite books and on the floor was a colourful treasure chest, full of toys and games to play with the children. Another beautiful archway on the back wall led out to a bathroom and two tranquil workspaces.   Where IAM now, tidying up my project table before relaxing on my sofa with the book I published many moons ago. A true and unique story discovering Love and Freedom for myself. I recall my magical experience perceiving nine Elemental Beings, aspects and potentials of myself, coming back, one by one to join and guide me gracefully through the natural awakening and integration of my Human and Divine selves. They helped me feel and experience the potential and love I truly AM… in the physical reality and beyond… preparing me to experience my Enlightenment as an Embodied DivineHuman Being.   It was with much gratitude to everyone who had inspired me, that I wanted to share my extra-ordinary and magnificent life experience with others, to inspire them to choose freedom for themself and experience who they truly are.   What a magnificent and abundant life the writing and publishing of my book continued to attract. Not only did my book become one of the best ‘Self-Realisation and Awareness’ books of 2015, but for many years it inspired people to open their heart, integrate with their Divine Self and expand into the timeless freedom, experiencing their own Magnificent Master Creator self.   If you are intrigued to read how I managed to get to be able to hold this vision and live my grand dream… you can click on the Amazon and Apple links to purchase either a digital or paperback copy of my book.   Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreatorInspiring New Energy Consciousness   A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple   I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond. Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.   There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class   Our next class in May 18, 20 & 22 is going to be online via webinar, so my friends from around the world can join!     All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local projects in Benalmadena, Spain.    
#LivingInLockdown - Day 38
#LivingInLockdown Day 38 – Wednesday 22 April   A miracle happened today. I went to the pharmacy to get some eye drops and they actually had face masks for sale. They weren’t advertised but there’s been a lot of news about Madrid sourcing extra masks so I thought I’d ask. Not only were they available but I could have bought as many as I liked. I only took three for now. No need to be greedy.   The reason face masks have been so much in the news is not just because they’ve been so scarce. There’s also an argument about how much places are charging. The government have now placed a block on suppliers charging any more than 96 cents a mask. I bought mine for 1,50€ each. Not bad on the whole.   That was the highlight of my day and the fact the sun came out again. How about the rest of you?
#LivingInLockdown - Day 37
#LivingInLockdown Day 37 – Tuesday 21 April   I was sat on my bed this evening reading a book and contemplating the fact that I hadn’t yet written today’s blog. I was wondering whether the time had come to stop writing daily and maybe go to every other day. This was partly because I didn’t want to get up and partly because I couldn’t immediately think of anything to write. Then suddenly there was a cacophony of pots and pans being banged together from outside. This is how the Spanish express their dislike of government decisions. As none of us are allowed out they use this noise instead of going on a protest march. As I am deliberately avoiding watching the news, I wasn’t sure why today rated a protest.   I had a quick look at my Facebook page and lo & behold there was the reason in about twenty plus angry posts, and that was just from my friends here. The government had promised to loosen quarantine restrictions for children and today they gave the long awaited details of this. For my friends outside of Spain let me explain. For five weeks we‘ve all been on one of the strictest quarantines in the world. Unless you’re a priority worker, adults are only allowed out to go to the supermarket, bank or pharmacy. You must make these journeys by yourself, go only to the closest place and should really only go once a week. You may not go with other family members even if you live together. We are not allowed out to exercise. That’s the adults, children haven’t been allowed out at all during this time. They may not accompany their parents. Given that Spain has one of the highest populations of apartment living, with no gardens, this means that most children have only seen the outside world from their window for over a month.   Most of us expected that the government would allow a parent out with one child at a time to let them walk or run somewhere away from other people for half an hour a day. Instead they have decreed that parents may take their kids with them once a week to the supermarket. That’s it! No one is happy with this. The children don’t want to go to the supermarket, they want to play. Parents don’t want to take their kids to the shop where they will have to control them and make sure they don’t touch anything. Also an environment where they are more likely to pick up the virus and then infect the rest of the household. Those of us without children don’t want the supermarkets crowded with fractious kids as again this increases the chance of infection. We have no problem with them playing outside under supervision for short bouts in unpopulated areas. After all most other countries in Europe allow this.   This decision makes absolutely no sense and just about everyone is disgusted with it. It also doesn’t bode well for the rest of us, as it seems the Spanish government is not prepared to give an inch on this quarantine. I guess my hope for an hour of outside exercise a day has just died a death. So far the people have fully backed the restrictions, but if the authorities continue to anger them with decisions like this they may lose the public’s cooperation and subsequently the battle against COVID-19.
#LivinginLockdown - Karen Rosenblum in Madrid
From California, Karen Rosenblum fell in love with Spain several years ago. As one of the original digital nomads, she was lucky to go back for forth for many years. In 2018, Karen finally applied for a visa to move to Spain and make Madrid her home. She currently lives in Madrid where she is living through lockdown in a small box of an apartment. #LivingInLockdown – Karen’s Story Day 40 something and I’m getting used to it. Which is scary in its own rite. But I’ve got a little routine down, figured out what triggers me, and turned my tiny interior flat (in central Madrid) into an all-out survival den. Let me set the scene because I think a lot of people do not understand what an interior unit in Spain really is or how stringent our lockdown here is. Especially my friends still living in the US (read on for more about that) There are two small windows in only facing one direction. They do not face the street but instead face an interior patio, Spanish style in the center of my building. Yes, the courtyard is open-air, but because it is a courtyard, it is shady by nature and there is hardly ever any natural sunlight that comes into my flat. Where my bed and computer are, there is zero natural light. But over the past 40 days, I have transformed my small flat into a semi-sunny office, yoga and hip hop dance studio, mediation corner, as well as its usual purpose of a small living and sleeping space. I am also at an advantage as I’ve been working remotely/from home for over 10 years now. And several times, as a true digital nomad (2014-2018), I’ve had to work with odd spaces in order to get the standing desk setup that I need. So I was able to “move my office” (which is just the computer) to a crazily concocted “standing desk” facing the windows. For that afternoon sunlight. I pushed some furniture around, practically blocking my front door access (it’s not like I need that all the time) to create a small space to practice my hip dance moves, try Zumba, and do some yoga. If I can’t go for a walk or to the gym (which I fear will be a long time for that one), I can do the best I can do stay in shape in my tiny flat. “Do the best I can.” Circumstances aren’t great. But that’s my mantra for this time period, “I am doing the very best I can in this situation.” In fact, I wrote that down and put it on the coffee table, which I also used to “build” my temporary standing desk. I need a reminder of that sometimes. So what am I doing to do the very best I can? Working and hustling my ass off. I have a small travel business. We specialize in handcrafted Spain itineraries. So yes, I do not even need to say there is a lot of uncertainty with my industry. But instead of letting that defeat me, I am making it push me even harder. I’ve been in the travel industry for 20 years now, so I know a few things and have been through a few crises (nothing as substantial of this, of course). I am also a hard worker, driven, relentless, and a total hustler. And I love my business and my clients so much and am so passionate about what I do that I will do whatever it takes for Spain Less Traveled to come out of this storm afloat. I am tapping into all of my (non-monetary) resources, and pouring on the Spainspiration by leading a 5000+ member Travel Spain! community through this pause of all things travel. Every day, I take them, as well as my Instagram followers on a journey around Spain, from the comfort of their homes. I am also doing the very best I can to stay in shape. That is a total struggle with no gym, no walks, no at-home exercise equipment, no yard, etc. Thankfully 90s hip hop gets me moving in the space I created and I found a YouTube video that I really like. I am also redefining my yoga practice and realizing I do not hate Zumba as much as I thought I did. I am not sure I mentioned this yet but I am locked up alone. Honestly, I am grateful for that. A total introvert, I have lived alone since I was in my 20s. I enjoy my alone time very much. Solo travel is my favorite (and after this is over I plan to take an epic solo trip when I can). My friends and family are always just a zoom/Skype call away. By being alone, I can be truly on my own schedule and work when I feel creative, work out when I feel active, and relax/chill/mediate exactly when my body needs it. But it is not all sunshine and rainbows. I have some very real emotions. Normally I feel all those emotions in a given week/day, but I have slowly also moved to the acceptance stage. I am not the 24/7 emotional roller coaster I was a few weeks ago. Do I want this to be over as soon as possible? YES! I am so ready to go outside and eventually welcome my clients back to Spain (so many steps in between those two, I am aware). By being locked up in a small flat 24/7, I am learning what my true triggers are. There are a few, and I do not want to mention them all as some are deeply personal. One of my biggest triggers is friends, family, and even acquaintances of mine back in the States do not fully understand the situation here in Spain. And then try to give me “advice” or in some cases even their uninformed observations about my personal situation. The lockdown in the US is not as strict as Spain’s. My US friends/family/acquaintances can still go for walks. Most of my friends and family live in California, where they still have access to riding their bikes and hiking on our state’s beautiful nature. I think they often forget that not everyone can with “helpful” advice like “get some fresh air,” or “go for a walk in the park.” Yeah, that is not happening. In Spain that is not allowed. Retiro is closed. Our nature is closed. I am also irked by people making assumptions, judgments, or thinly veiled-insults about my living space saying things like “It’s not as bad as I thought it was” after I shared photos of my newest “standup desk” setup with my windows in my photo on my personal Facebook page. Some were under the impression that “interior unit” meant zero windows, so my situation was “not as hard as they imagined.” This is coming from people who can still go on long/walks or runs every day because they have that option, people who have large, expensive homes with loads of indoor and outdoor space and beautiful views. Their “oh it’s not as bad as I thought” remarks irritated me. (Re)Learning just to walk away is my new strategy, one I perfected during the 2016 US presidential election. Because responding is not even worth my time. Just ignore and move on. We are all riding this out in our own way. Parents are facing a multitude of their own challenges during this time. Others are living in abusive situations. And then there are those people living in slums and prisons. So we are all dealing with this in our own way, and there are no rights or wrongs for anyone in this situation. I remind myself of that every day, while I wish I could go for a walk outside or even see some sunlight. But for now, like we all are, I am doing the very best that I can in this situation.   Karen founded Spain Less Traveled, her travel consultation business, to help make her clients’ travel dreams come true.   She also hosts a Facebook group
#LivinginLockdown - Your stories!
The Coronavirus crisis is one of life’s great levellers. We are all vulnerable to this virus. It’s a journey we are going through together. Equally most of us are living in some form of quarantine, with our movements and previous freedoms restricted for the greater good. COVID-19 and particularly its effect on our lives is one of the few topics that we all have experience of and an opinion about.   On the positive side this shared experience has brought a greater sense of community. However it is easy to forget that we each face a unique set of circumstances. Lockdown in the city is different from the campo. Life as a single person varies from coping with children or a sick family member in quarantine. Some of us are on the frontline or unable to work from home. Many of us have other health issues that still need attention and a few of us have already had to face this dreaded virus in some form.   To help us understand the different paths we’ve each had to forge Costa Women have started the blog series #LivingInLockdown. Each week we will bring you the real life story of how our members are managing during lockdown.    We’d love to hear your story, so feel free to add it as a blog or video on the website using the hashtag #LivingInLockdown. Maybe one of our blogs has resonated with you. We invite you to comment and add to these stories. Whatever our journeys let’s come together to support each other as group.   Add your stories under the blog here  
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