Costa Women Blogs

#LivingInLockdown - Day 46
#LivingInLockdown Day 46 – Thursday 30th April   I had a bit of a fright today. Whilst waiting for the Health Minister to make his announcement regards the rules around allowing us out to exercise...
#LivingInLockdown Your Stories - Alison Wade
We continue with our series #LivingInLockdown Your Stories, where our members get to share their experiences of this strange journey we’re all going through. This week we hear from Alison Wade in Madrid...
#LivingInLockdown - Day 45
#LivingInLockdown Day 45 – Wednesday 29th April   Today has dragged by. I was on the phone with friends and family for most of the morning, which was lovely, but I’m conscious of the fact...
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#LivingInLockdown - Day 44
#LivingInLockdown Day 44 – Tuesday 28th April   Today the government announced their plans for a deescalation of the lockdown in Spain. There are five phases which I’ve detailed at the...
#LivingInLockdown- Day 43
#LivingInLockdown Day 43 – Monday 27th April   I woke up this morning feeling good. A sense of calm and contentment had come over me. I suspect this is due to the fact that I may be allowed...
Age Care Association Volunteers continue their good work
Age Care volunteers are working hard to keep their members from being isolated, the drivers are distributing light lunches to over 30 members twice a week, weekly shopping trips, regular telephone calls,...
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