In our latest interview with a member of, I talk to Natalia Geiger, a self-confessed nature lover and an adventuress of life. She loves to laugh, learn and connect with others through authentic...
While it is essential to gather together, to inspire and support one another through our experiences on our unique journey through life, it is even more essential to prioritise yourself, to be your...
Are you achieving your goals? Do you have CLEAR goals and a plan to follow? How To Achieve Your GOALS & DREAMS | 3 WAYS . Watch it here and write your comments below the video . Enjoy!...
Can anyone be a wedding celebrant? Celebrants are the lucky people who stand in front of everybody at a wedding, say something nice about the couple, get the couple to repeat their vows to each other...
This weeks interview is with Marizete Da Silva, former model, mother to two children, Journalist, Healer, tree-lover, body whisperer, transformational leader and encourager of astonishing possibilities...
Everyone is going through a massive purge or cleansing of old Human conditioning and beliefs… in some way, physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually you will be feeling challenged...