Choosing to Awaken & Ascend the Human Experience this Lifetime.


I always knew that I would live two incarnations in this lifetime… how this would happen remained unknown for a long time. Even though the Human part of me was waking up to the bigger picture, it was many years later, my consciousness slowly expanding that I understood the magnitude of possibilities that are available for each person to choose to experience in this lifetime.


I remember in the early 90’s clearly choosing to follow a new excitement I felt within… a new way of living from my heart… in harmony and unity… instead of from my limited, robotic and dualistic mind. I consciously chose to change moment by moment; like playing a chess game… replacing old relationships, jobs and hobbies… everything that no longer felt good… with my new best friend (my Divine Self), new friends, passions and joyful ways of being.


About 5 years ago I began to feel my physical body changing. This had been brought about by my new way of being and being open to receive my light and allowing it to absorb my physical body/mind, changing it from a carbon based make-up and biology to one of crystalline.


AND it is still going on… the more light I receive, by consciously keeping my vibration high with loving, joyful feelings… my body ‘more easily’ transmutes. IAM patient and IAM aware of how each cell changes. My body needs different foods, more walks in nature, much more fresh water and loving people around me.


I still feel uncomfortable at times, itchy dry skin, headaches, tiredness, feeling hot or cold AND irritable. I try and embrace all my darkness that continues to surface from deep depths, never ending at times and I can lose the plot… AND then I remember to find the humour in it all and embrace this old Human aspect that only wants to be released. I also apologise to Tom who gets the brunt of my tongue on occasions.


The intensity of the light these last 2 years has been trying to say the least… but it has brought me more into the now moment, for me to fully observe this last part of my transformation. Yes it remains so exciting to experience being ‘the love’ and observe how my Divine Self is taking me into a new adventure… beyond everything known.



Looking back, I can see how my initial Awakening was the beginning of a l–o–n–g Ascension process preparing me to incarnate aNEW on the physical plane. It has not been an instantaneous happening… a wave of a magic wand. My transformation is happening according to how I, Barbara the Human… allows my awareness or consciousness to bring me into a new form of harmonious experience… or not!


Everything is about choosing how I want to live
The more I have embraced my own sovereign and loving essence, put myself first in a self-full way, loved ‘all of myself’; my darkness and my light and allowed myself to relax, enjoy, play, laugh and be… I experience harmony and glimpse my new Multi-Dimensional experience of NewEarth.


The more I have denied my unique and powerful self and relied/believed others and their truths, I have become fearful, judgmental and doubt myself, imprisoning myself in a dualistic and suffering reality.


IAM being the change that is birthing a harmonious NewEarth within and feel passionate about sharing my experience of transformation with others who are ready to open up to the something more in themself and life. To transcend their Human experience and embody who they truly!


You can read the first instalments of my Awakening Story in the Free E-Books below I have created together with my Divine brothers and sisters… 


A Selection of True Awakening Experience Part I (Please click on picture to download free e-book)


A Selection of True Awakening Experience Part II (Please click on picture to download free e-book)


Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple


I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.



A sacred and safe space in which to understand & fully experience your own natural Awakening and Integration in preparation for YOUR new role as Master and Creator, living a life of celebration.More Info: MasterCreator Class




All the money raised from my books and classes goes to my non profit business: The Magnificent Consciousness that holds 2 FREE local projects… ‘Creative Art Project’ inspiring our children to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL and a ‘Relax and Talk Group, inspiring everyone to balance their body, mind & spirit back into wellness in a natural & simple way.