Costa Women Meet … Deb Jones

Celebrating huge achievements is our beach life loving member, Deb Jones who, after having a penny dropping moment, found a wonderful life balance in Marbella.  


How did you end up living in Spain?

I have always dreamt of living in the sun! Frequent holidays to the Costa del Sol confirmed to me that this is where I could live. I have a successful Private Therapy business in the UK and as we entered a lock down all my clients went online. I had a penny drop moment that I could work anywhere with this new way of working. So 5 months later I’m on a plane with my Son, put the dog on a bus to meet us there and flew into Malaga airport with 6 suitcases. We found a property to rent in Coín and stayed there for a few weeks whilst we organised all our paperwork then decided to move near the coast and headed for Marbella! We have not looked back and 6 months in we are living the dream, with the stress behind us.



Where is now home?

I am now living in Nueva Andalucía, Marbella. My 3 top reasons to live here are..

1. The social life! lots of lovely bars, restaurants, cafes with outstanding food, drink and entertainment

2. The Beach life – the Costa del Sol has such a beautiful coastline. Lovely sand and calm seas. I love to walk my dog in the mornings along the seafront. I have so much gratitude everyday that this is my new life, as I look up to the back drop of La Conche mountain and palm trees. Its outstanding. It has a Los Angeles feel to it here in Marbella with its microclimate. Lovely warm winters and hot summers, although i am yet to experience the height of summer!

3. The mix of Spanish and Expat communities. You have the best of both worlds here. A great opportunity to mix with Spanish life, try out your Spanish, learn and live the culture but also to make great friends from the Expat community who have been invaluable to me and my son as we have settled here and started our new lives.


What was your biggest challenge for the move?

For me it was not being able to speak the language well enough to feel confident! In preparation to relocating I started Spanish lessons in the UK. Before that i could not speak a word! So when I arrived I was terrified! Luckily my son was confident with his Spanish and could get us understood but it unnerved him too! I felt like an alien. It took me 3 months to pluck up the courage to speak to a Spanish person! But I was determined. If I am to live here I need to speak their language. I didn’t want to miss that opportunity! I immersed in lessons twice a week and gradually spoke more and more. I then found an intercambio Spanish friend that we helped each other speak another language. I watched Spanish films, listened to Spanish podcasts, radio, television. Listened to young children talk with their parents and ‘poco a poco’, picked out new words and phrases. Its not even a year yet and not I will talk to anyone. I’m not fluent but I give it a go and make myself understood. Each week gets better and better. My greatest achievement yet and so worthwhile


How do you spend your days?

I have a wonderful balance to my life. I share it between clients and a social life. I am self employed so can work when I want. I enjoy Yoga, walking the dog, cooking, watching my son perform gigs in Marbella which is a great way for me to meet new people, I have joined a couple of choirs, one of which is on the beach, the most idyllic setting and enjoy a gin and tonic with them after! If I’m not careful there will not be enough hours in the day to work!!!


Something you have achieved in the last year?

I feel proud to say that I have really made the most of lockdown both in the UK and here in Spain. It has given me time to devote to me, my home and my new venture. I have been looked after every step of the way and feel blessed to have been given this space in time, of which I will never get again. I processed some emotional stuff, learnt a new language, sold my house and relocated. I would say that all of that was a huge achievement!


Your dinner party – who would you invite?

Well firstly at the top of my list would be my two children Megan and Sam. They are the funniest people I know, cool and would also provide entertaining conversation with my guests, whilst I cook! I’m a spiritual person and love open minded people with great stories to tell. Those of adventure, achievement and success. I love a good sing song, so to hold a tune or play an instrument would and have a jam would make it for me. I love flamboyance and flair so one of the guest would be that person – someone that everyone wants to have as their best friend! I love to have fun, laugh, eat lovely food and play games. A night to remember!


Secret accomplishment?

I was a Police Officer and so proud to have got in so young!


Favourite quote and why?

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got! I love change!!!


One thing you HAD to bring to Spain was…

My little puppy Eva! I bought her just before I came over. She landed in my life at the last minute and I saw it that she wanted to join our journey! I can’t imagine never finding her and her not being here. She has saved us over the last few months!



Favourite childhood book and why?

The Adventures of the Wishing Chair – Enid Blyton.. I wanted to be part of that group of 4 children and all the ginger beer that they drank on their adventures!


One thing you are looking forward to…

Seeing my daughter again in the UK! I miss the hugs.


Something you would tell your younger self?

You are so much better than you thought you were, you never lost your spirit. You kept it safe until it was ready to grow. And now look at you!!!!


Where can we connect with you?

For more information




Thank you Deb!


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