Nerja Coffee Roasters_Kerry Patton

Costa Women Meet Kerry Patten

A lover of coffee and on a mission is Kerry Patten.  Since moving to Nerja, Kerry has been on a quest for the non-burnt coffee, fresh bean experience and Kerry decided to create a business offering just that.  Read her story.

Why Spain?

I am originally from Ireland but was living in California. After Covid I wanted to be closer to home but I didn’t want to go back to the rain in Ireland after having lived almost 7 years in the sunshine. We choose Spain because we had a little bit of Spanish and thought it would be possible to learn more to be able to integrate.

And where are you now?

We are based in Nerja. My reasons are personal because I come from the countryside in Ireland so I found Nerja similar in ways to where I am from. I grew up with a sea view beside mountains and that’s exactly how Nerja is. It has a mix of Spanish and immigrants so I like the diversity. It’s not too big or small and is close enough to the airport but also not too far from Granada.

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Learning the language. It’s a process to overcome it but I work on it everyday.

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Look around Spain as it is a big country with a lot of different offerings depending on the area & you may surprise yourself with falling in love with a different place than you initially thought you would.

How do you spend your days? 

My days are spent trying to get the perfect balance of being available for my children and growing my Coffee Roasting business.  I created Nerja Coffee Roasters as a small batch artisanal coffee roasting business after travelling the whole of Spain and struggling to get a cup of coffee without the burnt flavours.

What was even harder was to buy freshly roasted coffee in the supermarket.

My love is for the perfect cup of coffee and to bring the incredible health benefits back into coffee by the perfect roasting, all the while taking into account the environmental aspect of coffee.

What is something spectacular you would like to achieve in just one day?

I am living my dream life so everyday is a spectacular day and I am grateful for my beautiful life here.

Something you are grateful for?

I am grateful that I am still here 2 years on and that my business is growing allowing me to continue to be here.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

I would want to invite all my extended family to have everyone in one place together.

What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

Problem solving. Living in this incredible place means that any problem is solvable.

An idea you live by?

I try not to waste time in my life you’ll be long enough dead so you should enjoy the amazing gift of life.

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My Christmas decoration collection. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year and my decoration collection is from places I have travelled and things my children have made & every year is a way to remember and reflect when we decorate the tree.

Do you have a favourite film?

“Home alone” due to the last answer!

Something you would tell your younger self?

I’m proud of you.

Thank you  where can we find out more?

My website:

And @nerjacoffeeroasters on  Instagram, Facebook, tiktok & Youtube  


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