Using her gifts as a sound and visual artist meet Kim von Arx. Her life in Rincón de la Victoria is filled with stories and music. Kim puts a structure and timeline on our personal life experiences and creates a multimedia autobiography.
Read her story.
Why Spain?
I lived in Spain with my parents from the age of 10-15, and ever since I had the people, the music, and the culture in my heart. Oh and the sun ☀️ of course! 🙂
And where are you now?
I live in Rincón de la Victoria which is a 30 minute drive from the city of Malaga. The town is quiet, unpretentious and friendly. It’s an authentic Spanish town.
The beaches are not packed in summer, and there are plenty of places to eat. Easy access to amazing places and cities in historic Andalucía makes it very attractive. Even public transportation is well organised, although the buses often are a bit late…

What was the biggest challenge for your move?
When you want to go for something, you just do it and solve the problems on the way. I’m lucky to speak the language, which makes it a lot easier, specially in a town where not many locals speak english or other languages.
Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?
Do some good research in advance by visiting physically, and check your essential needs, likes and dislikes before deciding for your future location.

How do you spend your days?
I am a sound and visual artist, and I produce/tailor-make audio-biographies for private use/families. People engage me to structure a timeline based on their life story, and we record it as a friendly conversation. I divide the conversation into chapters.
The main goal is to be able to share ones personal story with children and grandchildren. This is a real money- and timesaver compared to writing a book, and young people love to listen to stories told by their parents or grandparents. Handpicked music 🎶 is faded in and out creating a warm atmosphere.
I love working with people and their stories which otherwise might never be known to such an extent by their family and friends. Every person has a unique story to tell, and share.
Most people find it fun and often easier to have that conversation with a neutral person than with someone close. For the listener it also makes the story more interesting and enjoyable when an outsider (rather than a family member) is behind the structure and directing. Besides I work with professional sound equipment to secure optimal sound quality.
As I have an art education from the Art Institute of Chicago, I have exhibited in many places earlier, but now I only work with my paintings and drawings for specific commissions, and for my own personal enjoyment.

What is something spectacular you would like to achieve in just one day?
Make an audio biography on Antonio Banderas.
Something you are grateful for?
I have seen many grateful people telling and reviving their stories, and others receiving the finished biography in tears of happiness to get the full work. It is extremely rewarding. Besides the voice of the protagonist is preserved this way.
Who would be at your special dinner party?
I would have loved to have Richard Burton for dinner just to hear him talk. He had such a beautiful voice. Another actor I adore is Michael Cane. He seems like a very interesting person to converse with. And I could mention many more, but at this moment they come to mind first.
What’s your secret weapon?
That’s a secret!

What is one mantra, or advice you live by?
Be kind, live and let live. It means mutual respect. We must stop judging without proper knowledge.
One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?
My speaker and paint brushes – I depend on playing music every day – and paint when I have time 🙂
Do you have a favourite book?
It’s hard to choose just one book, but I love most of the books by Milan Kundera. He is deeply serious and human in his writing, yet he knows how to tilt his head and use a subtle sense of humour in the right places.
Something you would tell your younger self?
Don’t let fear control your life!

Thank you Kim! Where can we find out more about your audio-biographies and connect with you?
My website –
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