Sally Dang

Costa Women Meet Sally Dang

Life is full of surprises.  However Sally Dang believes that impossible spells “I am possible” and has used curiosity and resilience on her journey.  Read her story.

Why Spain?

I met my ex in Vietnan; my home country, he is Spanish. One day we decided to move to Spain to be closer to his family. But life is always full of surprises, things didn’t turn out as expected. He moved back to Asia and I remained my life here. 

And where are you now?

Barcelona: international city full of opportunity, offers both mountain and sea, nice weather and delicious food 🙂

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

I would say the biggest challenge was being really far from my family, and being alone here. However, with time, I have more friends, I have a job, I have a place to stay, I have people who care about me and I care about them. I feel grateful for what I have and can’t complaint about it.

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

If you want it, try it, make it happen and go with the flow and you will find out if it is for you.

How do you send your days? 

My daily routine is going to work, sometimes by walking to enjoy the morning vibe on the street, the people, and the trees, and sometimes by public transportation taking the chance to read my book.

I like doing some exercise in the afternoon after work and spending my time cooking as well. I feel relaxed being in my kitchen 🙂

The weekend is the time for me to do other activities such as reading, hiking in the mountains, and in the national parks, and gathering with friends and loved ones. I also enjoy helping Vietnamese companies explore the opportunity to land their business in Barcelona.

What is something spectacular you would like to achieve in just one day?

Finish my writing as I am writing a book.

Something you are grateful for?

I am grateful for being who I am and for what I have.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

My family and friends. They are real, they are there for me always. Being with them is the most precious thing.

What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

Being curious and resilient

Do you have a favourite quote?

¨Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm Possible¨ -

Believe in yourself. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it and work hard. So never give up on yourself or your dream

Do you have a favourite book?

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
This book helps me to realise what is important, and enjoy what have in this moment.

Something you would tell your younger self?

You are young and beautiful, you can reach whatever you want as long as you believe in yourself.

Thank you Sally Dand where can we connect with you?

Through linkedin:


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