Well it’s Friday! Where has the week gone? Actually… scrap that… where has the year gone? It’s May already!! Ooh hang on… where have the last 4 decades gone!?
I’m in my 40s now… yet I still remember, clear as day, sitting in a classroom aged ten… thinking how weird it would be to be approaching my 30s when the new millenium dawned.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not lamenting the aging process…. hey I’m only 41 ffs! But it sure flies by.
Yet when I look back, and wonder at how fast it has gone… I realise that it hasn’t really – not when you look at how much we all do in that time. Emigrating to Lanzarote and then to Almeria… attempting a new language (and 2 strong accents)… rescuing 3 grateful doggies… not to mention setting up our own web design business in Spain… and that’s just the last 6 1/2 years!
I wonder how I should measure the passing of time, if not in years? Hair colours? Bottles of wine? Husbands?
Have a great weekend everyone – and remember…. you’re only as old as the man you feel. *Damn… that makes me almost 10 years older. Now where did I put that wine?*
Elle xx
Hello Elle
Have to say loved reading this because I know what you mean. My wine is standing just next to me and I enjoy it.
The picture is very nice.
Enjoy and believe
Ingrid x
Psychic Medium
Thanks Ingrid. I don't mind getting older really... but that time sure does fly!
Hope you enjoyed your wine!
Elle x