Important Links for Moving to and living in Spain

After attending an informative event with Mijas Foreigners Department and the British Consulate, I thought I would upload the resources they provided at the event.

Please also note the following websites contain regularly updated information by the British Consulate:-

1️⃣Information about living in Spain
2️⃣Preparing for EU Exit
3️⃣Information in the case of a no-deal scenario
4️⃣Spanish Government website (in English) with Brexit Updates 


Applying for an N.I.E. via Support in Spain (a website created by the British Embassy)


The following batch of documents have been provided by Mijas Foreigners Department

1. How to apply for residency (the rules and requirements as at January 2019). (right click image to download)

2. Registering for your S1 as at January 2019 (right click to download) (provided by Brexpats Spain

3. Changing your Driving Licence as at January 2019 (right click to download)

4. Registering on the Padron (right click to download)

And provided by

5. How to apply for Healthcare in Spain (right click to download)


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