Presentations – check, toiletries – check, passport – check, tickets – check, handouts printed – check, check, check, last-minute things for packing – check, excitement – double check!
That was me this time last year in preparation for “Make it Happen 2020”; the 8th year of 1230 The Women’s Company in collaboration with partner in crime Ali Meehan, owner of Costa Women.
If you were booked in for last year’s MiH you’ll know that as my plane touched down at Malaga airport my mobile pinged with a text from Ali – “Phone me when you land”. That was the Wednesday prior to Spain’s lockdown on the Saturday. MiH was scheduled for the 3 days inbetween – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That was that then!
Come on…. you really didn’t think we’d let you down and you know we didn’t. Ali’s apartment was converted to film studio and office and within 12 hours we’d turned the whole 3 days around to an online event. Everyone was just amazing, with skillsets unknown till then bouncing off the walls. Well, we’re women – we could and did deliver!
That was last year. This year’s celebration of International Women’s Day, everything is planned to be online. Three days, 11, 25 and 30 March on an exciting new platform – Hopin. As always we bring you the most inspiring and informative speakers, there’s also 1:1 networking, Expo Booths (stands) and so much more.
I don’t want to spoil your surprises here, so just check HERE for full details and booking.
If you haven’t already, there’s just still time to book. I can’t wait to see old friends and new, all online in just… 5 days’ time! See you soon! Don’t miss out, don’t forget, full details and booking HERE