What is Compassion…


Compassion is

My Divine self popped the word Compassion into my head this last January… after Ali Meehan, a dear friend and founder of Costa Women, suggested that we each choose a word that would inspire us upwards and onwards in our business endeavour this year.


My word Compassion has inspired me to dive deep into my being and expand my expression of Who IAM in quite wondrous ways, that I know my Human self would only be too shy to act upon. My guest blogger/author feature and my weekly Facebook lives are part of this new expanded expression that radiate my natural multi-dimensional presence to everyone who is ready to move forward on a new adventure beyond their Human experience.


This new expansion first began a while back when I remembered my mum telling me years ago, I should show more compassion towards people who are struggling with pain, life etc. This hit me quite hard as I have always made sure to go out of my way to be there for others, to be with them and listen to them; even at times, sacrificing my own time of taking care of my life.


Quite recently, I’ve heard myself say a couple of times, I don’t understand why this is happening to me, because I always go out of my way to care for them’! AND as I heard these words… out sprang the rabbit from the hat… I saw the old programme that was deeply embedded within of how, as a society we believe that it is everyones duty to take care and serve others… which also means others will serve us!


For me, this sense of duty can only become a detriment, as it breeds ill will between all concerned, not only because it takes everyone away from being responsible for themself, but it focuses on victimhood and how someone other than self can solve a problem. The only way another person can help is by just being present… shining their loving presence… that connects and awakens the dormant light of the person concerned (if they are willing) and enables them to see (if they choose to) how they can resolve their own dis-ease. For this to happen though, it is essential that everyone first maintains a happy and loving presence within themself.


A great saying that became popular by basketball coach Dick Motta of the Washington Bullets… It’s not over until the fat lady sings… came to mind as I looked back at how far I’d come in my own Awakening and Ascension; how I had realised how essential it is to love and trust myself first, embrace and release old fears, lacks and beliefs on my journey and choose to live a life beyond the Human Game… on a new adventure as my Master and Creator self, a DivineHumanBeing incarnate.


Was I still not finished… Was I still dabbling in the old game of me versus them and identifying myself as my mind and body… or not?


I explained in my post Are YOU choosing Fear or Love about my feeling as if IAM falling deeper into an enormous black hole, with no support underneath me… as my old ways of support and dependency is falling away because it is essential for me to fully trust my own Body Consciousness (Body, Mind & Spirit) to sustain myself completely in a new way. This old programme of serving others as a duty is no exception and is here to be finally understood and released so I can own and embrace true compassion for myself and others that flows abundantly through Divine Light Beings who choose to realise who they truly are.


An image comes to mind of the space in-between everything physical, the atoms in my body/mind and the clouds in the sky… and the silence in-between a birds song and human words. It is the magical ingredient of All That Is… Unconditional Love… Compassion… the invisible presence of All life that is not separate from me or anyone, it only flows and connects us all together.


IAM Compassion in all of my being… Body, Mind and Spirit.


The ‘fat lady’ is ready to sing her love song to the whole world… she breathes deeply, embracing the presence of her own DivineHuman compassion that flows through her, from and into the world… she breathes deeper and surrenders to the new adventure she sees before her.


Yes IAM here… I Exist as an embodiment of loving compassion who affects all with each breath I breathe.   


The NEW Compassion that flows through #MeMyMagnificentSelf


Do you want to be featured as my Guest Blogger/Author
I have 2 slots left for holistic writers to write about your own feelings on Compassion and participate in this great writing event and together create a free E-Book to help inspire others to reconnect with their own divinity.  Please check out how to submit your writing. Thanks.

Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores…
Amazon and Apple


I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.




MasterCreator Class Module

Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.


There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class





All the money raised from my books and classes go to my ‘Creative Art Project’ The Magnificent Consciousness that I bring to our little ones… inspiring them to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL.