Women feature in only 26% of online news and tweets, according to the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) in its latest analysis of 114 countries. It finds women are LESS visible today as story subjects and reporters than in their 2010 report, with its ongoing aim to extinguish media sexism by 2020.
Those who know me have heard me bang on about this, pointing a brightly painted red fingernail in the direction of SUR in English. By cruel coincidence only a fortnight ago, a male letter writer praised the paper for the pleasure he receives reading weekly contributions by four male reporters, cheerfully ending, “Thanks, guys.” Nuff said.
Page 5 of GMMP’s Spain report (note typo!) says women have made “no significant advance” in the digital compared to traditional spheres, averaging 33% online and tweeting; “of the daily total not exceeding 50% in any subject. Increased presence is in celebrity news, media arts and sports.”
Serious subjects – politics, science, health – trail woefully behind.
GMMP España http://cdn.agilitycms.com/who-makes-the-news/Imported/reports_2015/national/Spain.pdf
Image: Invisible Woman courtesy Marvel/Wikispaces