Costa Women Blogs

The Art of Giving
Do you want to give, but sometimes find it difficult to work out ‘how to do it right?’ Giving is a wonderful thing to do. But sometimes we might be a bit over enthusiastic and not realize it is a more...
On Mindfulness
Why meditate? What is it good for? What can it give me beyond some minutes of calmness? I can actually relax in various ways not necessarily by sitting still avoiding thinking.   Feeling of calmness and...
Women for/against Brexit
Two forthright women – Harriet Harman (British MP) and Gisela Stuart (German-born British MP) – discuss the pros and cons of the UK remaining in or leaving the EU. “Women are bloody good at their jobs...
Learning to go with God
I thought I would share this story with people who may be on the same journey or thinking about it.  Maybe this will inspire you or you can relate or just simply give you something to think about....
6 Simple Steps and 6 Dynamic Tools to FREE your MIND and be Your Magnificent Self...
For years now I have been observing myself experiencing my own awakening and integration… the realisation and coming together of All of My Self.  I have written my book, Your Magnificent Self…...
On Mindfulness
There is a painting of Madame de Pompadour in her boudoir. I wondered about the meaning and provenience of this word. The term derives from French verb to sulk; so from a sulking room, a room to withdraw...
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