Women Wellness Guide on Spring Fever

This time of the year is very pretty and there are some amazing trees and plants around, but for some women this time of the year can be very uncomfortable if they are allergic to certain plants, trees and flowers. If you are feeling a little hormonal or menopausal, then this could be even worse for you. Try some of the following tips from Women Wellness Guide: Put a small dab of vaseline inside your nose can cover and protect the sensitive area that picks up the molecules in the air. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow at night will help you sleep as you brethe it in. A good multi vitamin with breakfast and a high dose of Vitamin B complex will service a great purpose at this time of the year too.  Try to drink grape juice or other drinks like herbal teas with ice if you want to, but try to keep off alcohol whilst the spring fever is around.

Thats all for now, until next time, keep cool ladies. Aly – women wellness guide