Costa Women Blogs

FREE 2015 Trip Planner - one great idea for every month of the year!
  For a great antidote for the New Year blues, look no further than Belinda Beckett’s new downloadable e-guide:  The Beckett List 2015: 12 Sizzling Trips & Weekenders in Spain, Gibraltar & Morocco....
On Mindfulness
I have made a set of affirmation cards. Affirmation is abour ideal me. I wrote these bold statements about what I want to and should be, but what I am really not. The theory is that if I repeat these statements...
Costa Women 2014 in Review
Buckle your seat belts..  its time to review our Costa Women Year!   We were delighted to welcome the arrival of 945 new faces, creating a network and community of 3,360 members   We featured 50 members...
Affirmations to kickstart your writing
An affirmation is “a declaration that something is true.” Affirmations bring conscious awareness to your thoughts. Interestingly when you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more...
On Mindfulness
You do your mindfulness with your body, like you do walking and dancing or swimming or even watching. Mindfulness is a body-mind activity with the stress on the body. It is misunderstanding that mindfulness...
Mad Men, Mad Women, Personal & Commercial Branding
As with all good advertising headlines, ´I Need Mad Men! Publicity & Branding´ stopped me in my tracks – before following the path to Andalucía Lab, Marbella, to hear Personal vs. Commercial Branding...