“Humanity is my Family and the world…..my playground!” As a little girl, growing up in Havana, Cuba, there was always a lot of laughter in my house. Neighbors will come to share with...
Representing a year-on-year increase of 1.2% for the first quarter 2014, Andalucía’s Institute of Statistics & Cartography recorded 3,874,628 tourists to the region, with this summer expected...
On the grounds that ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’, all drivers in Spain are advised immediately to familiarise themselves with the detail of the new traffic laws which are coming into effect on 9...
Hello, Costa Women. I have some very exciting news – I’m going to be on ‘The One Show’ on Monday 5 May, 8.00pm Spanish time. It’s all because of this blog post: http://j.mp/SguTB9...
One of the advantages of writing books about Spain is that you have a great excuse to trot about the countryside investigating things. During the research for my novel THE SHINING CITY we visited Córdoba...
European%20Green%20Party%20in%20Fuengirola%2C%2024Apr2014.JPG Invited by Costa Press Club member Pia Bruun to discuss ‘What is the Green vision for the future of Europe?’ in Fuengirola’s...