If you are waiting for your knee or hip operation it can get a bit disheartening. It can feel like limbo – you aren’t getting better, just . . . . waiting. And often you don’t get a referral...
It´s Saturday 15th March – a beautiful sunny day. I have just met my daughter Jade (who at the time was 35 weeks pregnant) for a lovely healthy breakfast. It´s my day off,...
#LivingInLockdown Day 52 – Wednesday May 6th Today has been the complete opposite of yesterday, as in not remotely full. Mainly because I spent most of last night kept awake by a bloody mosquito...
#LivingInLockdown Day 51 – Tuesday May 5th Today has been pretty full. Up early to do my outdoor exercise before the crowds form, followed by breakfast and updating of Facebook posts for the...
50 days of lockdown! I started fully motivated doing the right thing. I was writing a daily blog and attended various webinars. After around 3 weeks this changed, when the lockdown was extended and extended...
#LivingInLockdown Day 50 – Monday May 4th Today was the day certain businesses could reopen only for pre booked appointments. This includes cafes and restaurants serving take away food and...