The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has announced the launch of the UK Nationals Support Fund to help UK Nationals living in the EU/EFTA to register or apply for residency in their host country, whether...
Most people know about the importance of having their blood pressure checked. It´s a good measure of cardiovascular health and easily done at a clinic or at home. However, we tend to be less informed...
Today, in the ‘Make it Happen’ studio I met Sarah Houldcroft – an Independent Publisher at She is also a Business Book Coach – turning business experts...
➤IMPROVE YOUR LIFE With ONE Simple HABIT In this video you will learn how to change your life, create great relationships, do what you really love, or finally reach your goals. Find out how...
It is a beautiful practice to look back on one’s Human journey and remember all the great and not so great moments we experience. It allows one to give everything a sacred place and understand how...
With summer coming to an end many people are driving long distances as they go from summer locations to home, school and work. And long distance driving often results in back pain. Are you sitting comfortably?...