Costa Women meet Alejandra Romero

Move to La Herrudura NOW is the advice from Alejandra Romero!  Alejandra believes her new forever home is good for the creativity too. Read her story.

Why Spain?

Born in Colombia, lived in the UK since 2000 and tired of 20 long winters with my husband we discovered La Herradura’s paradise in 2019, we were looking for the sun and thought that our children should grow up in this amazing place. Live have been almost perfect for the past 5+ years, we like nature, water sports and travelling locally. We call this place ‘Home Forever’.

La Herradura is a Natural Reserve – it was cheap when moving in 2019 and offered sea views.

What was the biggest challenge for your move?

Packing! To bring our 4 bed house, we hired a van and they came in 24 hours to our new home.

Do you have any advice for Women thinking about making the move?

Don’t think! Just save enough money to keep you floating for 6 months and start living here asap! The first months you will feel on holiday mood so you will spend more money going out eating etc… till you find the right place to be.

How do you spend your time? 

WINTER: Homeschool my children in the morning, homemade lunch + light cleaning+ remote work + evening we attend church some days + some evenings I do charity work

SUMMER: Children go to summer camp + lunch + naps because of heat + beach afternoon + local traveling to see summer events, charity work and church times dont change.

ALWAYS VERY SOCIAL: out out seeing new people and travelling to new places nearby, Spain is huge!

What is something spectacular you would like to achieve in just one day?

Make more money! I am already very happy having time with my family, and that is priceless! That was the most important thing to achieve and we did it!

Something you have achieved?

I am an Interior Designer so I have more jobs going with my friends. I am very creative and love coastal style…something very hard to do in the UK but very enjoyable here.

Who would be at your special dinner party?

Spiritual Christian people, I love Christianity – Travellers – Latin people are my favourite, Salsa dancers – Art lovers

What’s your secret weapon or accomplishment?

My smile and my cultural background to understand the Latin – British and Spanish culture

Do you have a mantra that you live by?

To love and give as much as you can.

Alejandra Romero

One thing you had to bring to Spain and could never give away?

My bible (you can read about the power and manifestation of God forever!)

– my latin music – my old photo albums!

Do you have a favourite film?

Movie: Life is beautiful (the love is unreal) and Gone with the Wind (drama and fashion).

Something you would tell your younger self?

Go live in La Herradura NOW.

Thank you Alejandra Romero where can we find out more?

My website:


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