Costa Women Meet … Elisa Card

Our latest ‘Make it Happen’ interview is with Elisa Card – Entrepreneur and Founder of (and Mum to 5 boys).  Elisa’s mission is to “Show the World and particularly Women, that no matter what & no excuses, if you have a Passion or just a tiny bit of Dream, IT IS ALL POSSIBLE!”


Hi, everyone, thank you Ali for inviting me here on your programme, very thankful. I’m Elisa, I am born 100% optimistic, positive all the time.  I call myself a ‘be-creative’ five-sons-Millennial-mom, an Entrepreneur, a goal-setting achiever and a spiritual being with Love and Hopes for a better and happier world. My mission is to help women, mothers to transform their lives with a specific mindset using their potential to be happier, healthier, and wealthier! And so, it shows in the entire Family!



Elisa, how did your professional journey start?

It all started overcoming intense challenges: it started from scratch TWICE in my life.  24 years ago, I was a single mom at that time.  I was living at my mom’s tiny apartment in Paris with my five toddler-sons, the last one just born, after leaving the toxic relationship I was into for ten years, I had no job. I felt questions. How to escape this desperate situation? At that time twenty-four years ago, when hurricanes blew up my life, destroying everything that I had, home, friends, and of course no financial support, I realized that my life or the Universe was telling me, ‘Hey girl, show us, it’s time to run the show’!  And my adorable mother sent me ancient scriptures from the Bible. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them? Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, They are like treasures. This text boosted my trust in the Universe, and a new inner power was growing within me, which I didn’t know I had.

I was 33 at that time and pregnant with my fifth son while getting ready for the most significant and astonishing change in my life. I was already a mother of four sons with the last one to be born soon – with a vast white page in front of us, still to be written.

I used my imagination, my intuition and my creativity and I became an entrepreneur from scratch. That’s how I started my entrepreneur journey!

And again, 3 years ago, when I had a calling, I was a PA personal assistant to VPs in IT information technology, the new tech industry, during 6 years, to feed my family. Recently, I had a calling to create what I have created today. And it was during struggle time too, I was bored, I had outgrown the PA role… again the Universe sent me messages to move forward.


What were your business roadblocks, and how did you overcome them?

My first roadblock was being a single mother of five sons, living at my mom’s, I was blessed to have that! The support! I was fine! It was serene nevertheless.  So, my only core vision and mission was to create a new life of abundance under the sun for my five sons and me. However, I didn’t know how!  Again, the Universe; every day I saw through this tiny frame at my mom’s tiny apartment, (it seems like everything was little in Paris! And it was) except for one thing: my Dream!  It was saying: “Everything you request in your prayers, have faith, and it will be granted to you.”  When I started to apply this sentence into my everyday life, with faith, things began to shift in a HUGE way. All roadblocks disappeared. This is what I now teach my clients, do everything with Faith.

From one idea, I became an entrepreneur, I created a high-end furniture & decoration items import business from Paris, France, to the USA. Our life became extraordinary! Our dream became a Reality. Everything fell into place, like a puzzle.

When you start a business you need, suppliers, law adviser, clients, marketing, it all came and fell into place. To remove roadblocks: LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION

I have a post on my website regarding intuition. 

Soon after, we were flying, the boys and me, back to Texas, where we settled down with my brand-new-business. Within one year, I reached a 6-figure business. Our life had changed tremendously – both my inner life and my outer life!  Building strong inner confidence, using my potential with the happiest, most positive, and compassionate mindset. I have made a video recently called: ‘How to amplify the results you want in your life, to live your life to the fullest’




Who, or what is your business role model, and why?

Before starting happy2succeed journey, 3 years ago, in my life, I looked up at René Angelil, Celine Dion’s husband and agent.  This man did outstanding things with Celine’s voice with kindness, with compassion towards everyone, and with generosity. If you remember him, the way he spoke, very calmly yet achieving a lot. Also, Wayne Dyer and Mary Kay – The Queen of Beauty – same kindness, respect, generosity,… different business, same way of conducting it! After a meeting toxic people in your life, you want to spend your days with kind, wholehearted people and harmony, peace, and Joy. This is what I am creating; this is what I create.




Tell us about #Happy2Succeed

#happy2succeed came to me as a message, I wanted to create an Elisa Card hashtag, and this one came to me that to reach more success (and success means according to your success-definition, in your success-frame) it all starts with being Happy. With a big H., it’s Harmony mind-soul-body!


On your website you talk about a ‘universal mindset’?

A universal Mindset is being in HARMONY with our Universe, being aware and conscious, using the most positive energies: the basic component of the Universe is Energy and the most powerful energy is LOVE

As spiritual beings, our Happiness is a virtue with curiosity and an open heart, plus kindness, emotions, wisdom, leadership, truth, calmness.  Being conscious of your mindset makes all the difference. I am very concerned with who we are and the footprints that we want to live behind us. It is now time to be. Be free, be you, be happy! It is time to speak up, to stand out, and to realize a world with more happiness, peace, and freedom, starting with ourselves. This is my philosophy of life.

From as young as I can remember, I’ve always appreciated every second of my life, no matter the circumstances. My cells and soul have always vibrated in harmony with kindness, positivity, drive and love. At a time when the words were not known yet like ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Mindfulness,’ I was already quietly thinking in that way. Now, all my professional activities (blogging, writing, speaking, private coaching, radio talk podcast, YouTube channel videos and the  ‘Happiness to Success Academy’ etc.) are in alignment with what I have within. Happily, conveying this powerful message to women all over the world.


What is your next adventure?

It is already in the calendar, I love meeting with women and teaching them what I know.  It is a beautiful vibrant full day event here in Marbella, on June 20 2019 “Success, Serene Women” Happy Mind Happy Life! at La Plage Casanis. The link is on the Costa Women site. Also on my website



What book did you read in 2019, which made a difference in your life and why?

I have read many – ‘Crushing It’ by Gary V, but my favourite is Wayne Dyer’s books – all of them! One, in particular, is 10 gems.  It’s 10 principles to live by. It’s beautiful!


What is your superpower?

My superpower is kindness plus optimism, I thought it was not a quality, but now I know that my superpower is LOVE and I share my calmness, my compassion, and my drive for the well-being of others!


Something you will achieve in 2019?

Connecting more face-to-face with more women is the most important, with events, more important, bigger events! and exclusive retreats. And a book!


How can we best connect with you?

There is my website I invite all listeners to grab free advice on how to start their day to be happier!



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