Whilst a very emotive subject, many have been affected by domestic violence in Spain, including foreigners.
Details of reported cases of gender abuse in Spain 2023 by region which was published by Statista Research Department and advised that:-
During 2023, the number of reported cases of domestic violence amounted to over 199,000, of which around 40,717 were recorded in the southern autonomous community of Andalusia. On the other hand, La Rioja recorded the lowest number of cases, with 983 in total.
59 women died at the hands of their partners or ex-partners with 45 credible attempts to kill women by their partners.
SUPPORT for Victims
The British Consul have shared information for British nationals who are victims of rape or sexual assault in Spain – Rape and sexual assault in Spain: information for victims
The Women’s Institute in Malaga – Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer (IAM) offer a service to help foreign Women residents living in Spain. In 2023, they took 37,000 phone calls asking for help.
Nationally, Spain provide a FREE HELPLINE where women can obtain information about their rights (not just in the situation of domestic violence, but also work issues, education, health, residency in Spain etc).
The helpline is available in 50+ different languages
At State-level 016
Persons with hearing disabilities: 900 116 016
Andalusia 900 200 999
Aragon 900 504 405
Balearic Islands 112
Canary Islands 112
Cantabria 942 214 141
Castile-La Mancha 900 100 114
Castile and Leon 012
Catalonia 900 900 120
Extremadura 112
Galicia 900 400 273
La Rioja 900 711 010
Madrid 012
Navarre 848 421 588 / 848 421 387
Basque Country 900 840 111
Principality of Asturias 985 962 010
Region of Murcia 112
Community of Valencia 900 580 888
Ceuta 900 700 099
Melilla 952 699 214
SUPPORT IN SPAIN also share a list of resources
Please share this service which is being promoted by the Costa del Sol branch of Soroptimist International
A report by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) records that in 2022:-
- Almost half of these women (48.1%) were between 30 and 44 years old.
- Of the total number of women aged 16 years old and over living in Spain, 14.2% (2,905,489 women) have suffered physical and/or sexual violence from a partner, current or past, at some point in their lives. 1.8% (374,175 women) have suffered physical and/or sexual violence from a current or former partner in the last 12 months.
Full report from European Training Platform on Domestic Violence
2024 was the 20th Anniversary of the Organic Act on Integrated Protection Measures against Gender Violence. The report updated information including that two out of every three women (64.8%) who requested protection were Spanish and 2.1% of the total (Spanish and foreign) were minors. In both cases, the percentages are similar to those registered in 2022.
Andalucía reported the highest number of registered victims (32.7%), followed by Cataluña and Valencia (both at 17.3%)
In 2023 it was reported that 5.4% of victims in Andalucía were Spanish nationals, while the rest were foreign nationals.
Between April and June 2023, Andalucía registered 9,726 female victims and 10,233 filed reports, an 8.6% increase.
The British Consulate in Malaga in 2013 advised that 30% of the crimes reported to them by the Police, which affect UK nationals, relate to domestic violence.
We have shared a harrowing story from one of our members.

Thanks for this info, Ali - here are 2 vids worth watching - Patrick Stewart often talks about his childhood and the torment his father put him and his mother through. However, how he answered this vulnerable and brave fan's question is one of the most eloquent, passionate responses about domestic violence: