The jewel of Autumn

Who can but desire the luscious juiciness, of the ruby red seeds from a Pomegranate – Like Ruby Gems, glistening awaiting to adorn dishes, with the jewel like presence.



Pomegranates (Granadas) I believe are the jewel of autumn, just as some of us take to hibernation, the beautiful pomegranate hangs from it’s tree, tempting us with its ripeness, with hues of colour from peach to scarlet.


In Ancient Greece it was thought of a symbol of prosperity and ambition , and the Moors renamed the wonderful ancient city of Granada after the precious fruit, and Spanish colonists introduced the fruit to the Caribbean and Latin America.


On our mountain as the first fruits appear to ripen, my children scramble over the shrub-land, to be the first to bagsy their autumn treasure. Their favourite way to indulge, just tear open, and pick the seeds (arils) out one by one – Natures ‘Sweet’ shop 🙂


I remember my Mother telling me a story, when she was young and after her first week at work as a florist, she walked through the ‘Bullring’ market in the centre of Birmingham, and on a stall she saw the unusual fruit, and the ruby seeds. She spent her first pay packet on a Pomegranate for her mother, my Nan, who sat with a pin and enjoyed this new tropical fruit.


There are so many uses for pomegranates here are a few of my favourites ;


Pomegranate Raita –


A cooling yoghurt salsa to go with a spicy curry.


A pot of Greek yoghurt thinned with a little milk.

Seeds of a pomegranate

½ a cucumber chopped

a pinch of salt

a small handful of fresh mint leaves – chopped finely

a small handful of coriander – chopped finely


Mix all together – Simple.


Jeweled Cous-Cous


To be enjoyed with rich Moroccan dishes.


Serves 4


250 grammes of Cous Cous

Veg Stock made with 250 ml Boiling water

Seeds of a pomegranate

Handful of pinenuts lightly toasted in a dry pan

Bag of spinach

Squeeze of lemon


Prepare the cous cous, with the veg stock, and let stand for 5 mins, then fluff up with a fork.

Wilt the spinach, in a pan with a little water, once wilted drain and squeeze out etc moisture, chop up.

Add to cous-cous.

Add pinenuts, and pomegranate.

Stir to mix.


Decant into a pretty bowl, and squeeze the juice of a lemon over.


Or for a decadent tipple, try a


Pom Royale


Juice a pomegranate and put a teaspoon into the bottom of a Champagne fruit, with a few seeds too.


Top with Cava, Prosecco or Champagne.


Salut !



So if you suffer from ‘S.A.D’ or the winter blues are upon you, break open a pomegranate, and let its health giving properties benefit your body & its ruby richness, put a smile on your face.


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