Wishing YOU all A MAGICAL AND EXCITING new year of 2019. If you didn’t find time in the winter holidays to reflect on your wishes and desires to experience in this new year… it’s not too late to sit quietly and reflect on how you want to feel moving forward and allow it to come in!
Looking back on 2018
A big thank you to all my friends and family who helped make 2018 great and I know will continue to help make my next year excitingly exceptional!
It’s been a year settling into our new home in Benalmadena, observing how everything flows here… the changing weather and use of our balcony, the beautiful gardens that bloom all year round, new neighbours and neighbourhood and enjoying all our belongings, inside and outside the home.
Tom and I love living in Benalmadena… meeting many costa friends and now living in our own cosy home between the mountains and sea. Yes this is paradise!
It wasn’t a great year for my mum, as she broke her hip… but she’s had and continues to have great care from the council and her family have rallied around her. A big thank you to our Aunty Sue who has taken mum under her wing as Angie and myself live abroad. Tom and myself have enjoyed spending a few weeks with her… so pleased she’s coming along well… slowly… but surely as her spirit is her strength.
My sister sold her Bed & Breakfast and bought a sailing boat to sail around the Greek Islands for her retirement. Jon and herself are becoming great sailors and the oceans of the world await them some time in the near future. We look forward to joining them in the Spanish seas sometime next summer!
My Dad is settled into his own cosy top floor apartment… and enjoys residing back in Duffield. Not too far from mum, so they keep an eye out for each other. He stays busy with his voluntary job as the Derberian Archivist and continues to enjoy his visits to the steam railways in Wales.
Our son Richard and grandson Alexander are settled nicely in Aruba, his travel business is doing well and we had a beautiful surprise visit from them in the middle of December to celebrate Tom’s 70th birthday and an early Christmas in Spain. It’s been 18 months since we saw them so we enjoyed every moment and feel completely loved up.
Our daughter Juliette and boyfriend Jos have left St Maarten and from Holland are preparing to move to Mallorca in the New Year. An exciting new island life is about to begin for them and will allow us to see them a little more often. We visited them in February when they were first checking out where they’d like to live. It’s a beautiful Island and a bit cooler than the southern mainland where we live!
If there are any Costa Women in Mallorca around Palma I would love you to connect with me and my daughter.
Inspiring YOU to live a life of celebration as Your Magnificent Self
You must sense my happiness as you connect with my creative work I embrace each day… writing… blogging… painting… acting… being… sharing my inspiration with the hearts who are ready to hear how they are a unique, powerful and essential part of our magnificent and vibrant world, and orchestrating great change with each breath breathed.
You have surely noticed how everything is naturally changing. How everything familiar… old systems, programmes, relationships and your inner most feelings & beliefs… that has been built on untruths, on fear and separation is now being replaced with the potential of living a life of love, unity and freedom.
Having experienced my own Shift in Consciousness… my Awakening and Ascension (realising who IAM and what life is all about)… IAM here to help you REMEMBER how to bring in your new potential by using your own tools within and live a life of celebration as Your Magnificent Self!
Free E-Books to Inspire YOU
This year my friends and I at WordPress have again come together and written and created two Free E-Books for you to enjoy reading at your leisure. One is a continuation of our true Awakening and Ascension experiences, (realising who you truly are and whats going on in the world) and the other is our feelings on a rather deeper subject of Consciousness vs Artificial Intelligence.
They will both inspire your hearts to open wide and resonate with your own truth. You can find the links below…
FREE E-Book to download… A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part III
FREE E-Book to download… What’s Going On? Artificial Intelligence vs Consciousness
My non-profit Business… The Magnificent Consciousness
Thanks to Ali’s inspiration, each year I focus on a word to help me organise my creative work. This year it was CONNECTION and it has helped me bring my core message and awareness of my non-profit business The Magnificent Consciousness to the public eye.
From donations received for my true love story, Your Magnificent Self A Journey to Freedom and my MasterCreator Local and Online Class I hold free local projects in Benalmadena. A Creative Art Project for Children and a RelaxANDTalk group for Balancing BodyMindSpirit. You can read more about my creative work below.
Moving into 2019
I’ve chosen EXCITEMENT to be my word for 2019… to help me stay focused on the magical potential, we can all choose to bring into our physical reality now.
IAM excited to co-create a magnificent summer Art Exhibition with a difference… showcasing our children’s painting and putting on A Royal Stage Performance… Our Magnificent World, with some of the children and my friends who love to act as their Magnificent Selves.
Watch this space to hear more about it… because I need YOUR help please.
AND I feel my children’s book, which has been simmering on the back boiler… is ready to go public!
If you would like to keep up to date with my creative work and Tom and Barbara’s Good Life you can explore my website or/and sign up to receive my weekly blog posts.
Wishing you… from our cosy home to yours… a great, magical and exciting 2019 experiencing your heart desires.
Barbara Franken… New Energy Pioneer
Inspiring Multi-Dimensional Living

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple
I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond.

Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.
There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class

All the money raised from my books and classes go to my local FREE projects in Benalmadena… A Creative Art Project and a RelaxANDTalk Group that inspires through creative expression… to explore, discover and express the Magnificent World/Consciousness each person is part of and their powerful, unique and essential role that co-creates life within and the Environment around them.