A Love Song… Reunion of the Divine & Human Selves, as one Bod



A Love Song
One Body Consciousness… Reunion of the Divine & Human Selves

 IAM so grateful to all my sacred friends, especially my creative Costa Women friend Rashpal, who have all made it possible to produce my love song, Body Consciousness. I know it will inspire YOU to open YOUR heart and hear YOUR own Divine voice singing words of compassion, wisdom and truth and bring All of YOU together as one Body Consciousness… AND be able to live a life of celebration as the true Master and Creator you’ve always been… hidden under all your Human limitation, struggle and suffering.

 No one… no, not even YOU can escape this natural cycle of great change and transformation on Earth & within All Humankind.

 It is all about PURE LOVE exploding from the core, Awakening the Human as quietly or rudely as necessary for YOU to become aware of YOUR essential and unique connection with All life, to embrace All of yourself and All your experience AND allow the Integration or Reunion of your Body, Mind & Spirit bring you into Embodied Enlightenment and Multi-Dimensional Living.

 This is a grand opportunity for YOUR Human Body & Mind to choose to surrender to YOUR Divine and Loving Spirit and come together in a Divine embrace as One Body Consciousness. Allowing the LOVE you are, to dissolve all your FEARS and PAINS and joyfully quantum leap beyond everything known into a NEW and MAGNIFICENT Multi-Sensual experience as the DivineHuman Being.

 Over many years I have experienced my full Awakening and continue to experience my physical Integration of Body, Mind & Spirit, as I live life as a celebration in each moment… no matter what is happening. To help inspire and support YOU in opening your heart and flowing quietly and gracefully through this great time of transformation, I have created and published my True Awakening Story, Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom and MasterCreator Class, available online and local twice a year on the Costa Del Sol.


Excerpts from my Book and Class

Breathing Out the Old Human ways of Being
A Great Shift in Consciousness, a time of great change is now upon Humankind. We are realising that our old ways of working with the OLD Energy Consciousness; attracting energy into life and creating reality and healing and fixing one another is a mental and emotional creation that no longer works and is becoming obsolete.

Breathing In the NEW DivineHuman way of Being
Deeply breathing… feeling the energetic dance of my Divine and Human bodies… feeling the great love affair… the fusion… and the ultimate birth of my new crystalline love body… part human, part divine, All knowing and wise… balancing, absorbing and connecting with the natural web of All life…. receiving through the conscious breath… my IAM presence… my potential… my energies that are ready to serve me in each now moment.

I breathe into all my ancestral ties… Human death trigger… stuck energy… old patterns and out dated thoughts and beliefs… knowing they are all naturally being released… I embrace them all… they have served me well during my Human experience… Now IAM allowing my natural and integrated Body Consciousness to give birth to an upgraded and detoxified DivineHumanBeing… Breathing deeply into All that I truly AM… Everything is perfectly OK.


Lyrics to my Love Song…
Words of Compassion from my Divine Self to my Human Self

Can you feel me? IAM here
stirring from deep within your core
can you hear me… its time
to untie your chains from all your pains…
I feel your raw grief and sadness
feelings of betrayal, being forgotten
and left behind all alone…
You gave it all, nothing left untouched
from your compassionate heart
but it’s time to let go and focus on
loving yourself, trusting yourself
accepting it all… distilling it all

IAM here now… you are not alone
never ever forgotten or unloved
they are just dreams falling away
experiences, expanding your wisdom…
Now its time to love your Human self
unconditionally just as I love you
forgiving yourself for all your moves
wanted and unwanted by others…
For caring and sharing with others
that have yet to learn how to feel,
be grateful for the small things
and the touch of your pure love

Lets walk together now
hand in hand, side by side
your feet caressing the Earth
the wind stroking your face…
Your breath bringing in life
the sea falling and folding around you
the sun beaming down her passion
opening you wide open to feel anew…
The moist salt on your lips, bitter sweet
a kiss so grand from the depth of you
where we begin an embodied union
to be whole… to be physically real

IAM here now… feel me, know me
wipe away your tears
I see you only with eyes of compassion
and admiration, accepting all of you
all the lives and loves you’ve loved and lost
of not being heard or seen for who you are…
Searching hard for recognition, love
and companionship to fill the empty hours
and the deep void within…
for someone to smooth away the jagged edges
of all your past wounds and hurts
IAM here now… IAM here now

Receive me dear sensual and passionate one
IAM the part of you that brought you here
who gave you this gift of experiencing life
feeling the depths of Human love and fear…
The pain, the suffering, the injustice,
the guilt, the shame and regret
the sharing, the caring, the union
the love, the joy and passion…
This Human life continues
there is no end to the trauma and drama
until one decides to receive me
integrate with me and be whole

IAM here now… waiting
for open arms, open heart and mind
an invitation to come and dance with you
to feel your rhythm and physical being
to embrace and unite as one…
Receive me now with each breath you breathe
feel my caress, what response do you give
touching each other, absorbing each other
surrendering, allowing…
Giving birth to a new creation
of all of me and all of you
the DivineHumanBeing

Together we are one Body Consciousness
a crystalline embodiment of awareness
an enlightened Master of Sovereign domain
daring to love our Self so deeply…
Dissolving all yesterdays and ancestral ties
owning Self completely
with eyes of compassion and a heart of joy
expanding into and beyond the physical…
Exploring new horizons never imagined
bringing in new potential for new creations
walking between time and no time
on Earth and in all space

Copyright Barbara Franken 2018



Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & MasterCreator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living


Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken

A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple

I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond. 


MasterCreator Class Module

A sacred and safe space in which to experience your own natural Awakening and Integration in preparation for YOUR new role as Master and Creator, living a life of celebration.  More Info: MasterCreator Class




All the money raised from my books and classes goes to my non profit business: The Magnificent Consciousness that holds 2 FREE local projects… ‘Creative Art Project’ inspiring our children to explore, discover and express life and their part in it ALL and a ‘Relax and Talk Group, inspiring everyone to balance their body, mind & spirit back into wellness in a natural & simple way