Melissa Bitz

What does perfectionism have to do with the heart (and your abi

Does the phrase “striving but never arriving” describe how your feel in your biz?  What this looks like:  >>You feel you know your shit, you have the knowledge, the brilliance, wicked skills and awesome at what you do, but aren´t really receiving the goodies (read: not only money, but the validation, joy, support, authentic connections …

What does perfectionism have to do with the heart (and your abi Read More »

Setting SPECIFIC Money Goals: Magic Torpedo Fuel For Our Dreams

So the nerdy academic in me has a quote for you today:  “If you don´t know which port you´re steering for, no wind is favorable.”  Hmmm…think about that for a second…..DUH! Right? Even some smart old Roman dude (in this case, Seneca) figured out ages ago that if you don´t make a clear and concise …

Setting SPECIFIC Money Goals: Magic Torpedo Fuel For Our Dreams Read More »