Costa Women Blogs

Books, Books and more Books!!!!!
Me and my boyfriend have definitely got the writing bug!!! Over the past 6 months we´ve self published 6 books on Amazon.  He has done 2 and I have done 4, currently writing my 5th.  I...
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Cordoba, Spain Full of UNESCO Sites
Cordoba, Full of UNESCO Sites Did you know that Cordoba now has four Unesco listings? More than any other city, so while Barcelona may get more visitors Cordoba is more worthy and such a beautiful city...
We need your help!
Bodyworks Clinic have launched a new podcast talking about Healthcare on the Costa del Sol and we need your questions about every topic of healthcare!  Over the last 15 (!) years we have noticed how...
Costa Women Meet ... Helena Demuynck
In our Make it Happen Interview series, today’s chat is with Helena Demuynck.  Helena describes herself as a dedicated, visionary Leadership Coach with a proven record of facilitating...
What To Do With Fear?
Fear of making a mistake has sometimes almost paralyzed me, how about you? The other day, a small daily event connected me with a bigger pattern in life.  I had cleaned my computer’s cookies...
Are YOU Allowing Energy to Serve YOU?
             Are you allowing energy to serve you; to support you in living a caring, joyful and vibrant life or are you allowing energy to worry you, make you ill and...
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