I had planned a short, one day trip. I was looking forward to a new place, eating out, sleeping in a hotel and lounging around. A chain of circumstances deprived me of that day off. It came to nothing....
Hello Renate, lets start with your story of ‘Why Spain?’ why did you here and where you have come from originally? I am Dutch and after my mother died in the year 2000 by means of euthanasia,...
Thankfully it has been quite a few years ago since I became my own best friend and changed the way I searched outside of myself for acceptance and recognition that made me instantly feel relaxed...
MODERATION… Today, I want to talk about MODERATION. I know, I know moderation is so….blah blah. We hear it all the time from nutritionists, magazines etc. But on some...
So the nerdy academic in me has a quote for you today: “If you don´t know which port you´re steering for, no wind is favorable.” Hmmm…think about that for a second…..DUH!...
I am still reading the book Power of a Positve Women. The bit I just read I found very interesting. With todays media I feel there is much more pressure on Women too look good and be “perfect”...