Despite sitting 5,880 kilometres away in Málaga’s 27°C late summer heat, I can still feel the bone-melting -2°C that hit me as I exited New York´s Central Station on the first of five pre and post 9/11...
Why do I write this blog “On Meditation”? The reason is that I would like to encourage people to try meditation, to give it a chance and if they like it to have it as a daily routine. I teach...
Seeking to escape the madding crowd, Estepona was my first choice location on the Costa del Sol. I’d booked a month-long stay on an inland horse farm, soaking in my wonderful new surroundings on...
Meditation is saying hello to your own body, making an acquaintance with this perfect power station that has been supplying you with ready solutions to your everyday life. It works 24/7. It really deserves...
This summer we have had a house full of children and watching them play and jump endlessly in and out of the swimming pool made me reflect on a book I published last year about three children who lose...
Inspired by Spain too… Continuing on from last weeks Blog, Inspired by Spain we wanted to share another wedding palette inspired by the beauty and nature of Spain. So today, it’s all about...