
“Zaha built…”

“Zaha built…” were the first words I heard tuning into online radio news Friday morning. WHAT? MY FAVOURITE MODERN ARCHITECT CAN´T HAVE DIED?? I applaud not only the strength and fragility of her brilliant designs, many of which I´ve written about, but also her personal achievements – standing tall as the only successful ethnic woman […]

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What is Happening to Earth and Humankind NOW and Naturally raising our vibration…

The light emanating from the centre of our galaxy continues to accelerate and expand the consciousness of Humankind on Earth and naturally raise our vibration. We are all feeling the pressure as the light energies bombard our physical body and mind with new codes and frequencies, to upgrade and detox Humankind to our most natural and Divine, Crystalline self. We are all

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On Mindfulness

I feel all the time, even if my mind doesn’t think about it. My body senses constantly the environment, my senses receive signals even if majority of them are ignored by my intelligent mind. The mind chooses those signals that for some reason are important to it and ignores others. Why some are important and

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On Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about connecting to the present. My physical body is always present and it is enough if I pay attention to this presence of my body; to what I see and feel and sense just now. The modern person is quite often disconnected from the body, being glued to a virtual life of imagination

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