Peri-menopause, have we forgotten about it?



Peri-menopause, have we forgotten it?

At the age or around 35 – 50 women can begin to experience hormonal changes. However, they are sometimes not aware of this. This is because they have not been told about it or learned about it. As young women our mothers talk to us about our menstrual cycle, and how babies are made, but that is it!  Read more…….


Are you fulfilling your leisure time?

Now you have reached the age of menopause, it is a good time to slow down a little, this will enable you to take care of yourself, something you may not have done very well over the years.

A full time job, bringing up children and a home to run takes up a lot of time and now your time is valuable and precious to you, you can begin to do things you never had time to do before.  Read more….



Progesterone has many important roles in women, pre-menopause and post menopause. The main function is to balance the effects of estrogen.

When estrogen becomes dominant it can cause uncontrolled cell growth, which in turn may lead to breast, ovarian and uterus cancers. 

Ovarian cysts, osteoporosis and endometriosis are also symptoms that can be brought on my estrogen dominance.

Natural Progesterone Cream ProgesterAll

May be termed as bio-identical progesterone, which means your body recognizes it, relates to it and is able to process it via the liver. ProgesterAll is a light gel/cream that is easy to use and works with your other hormones to balance them.


For more information and a personal consultancy please contact me.

Contact details: Aly Farmer – Mi Vida Natura



Facebook: Menopause & Peri-menopause Natural Remedies